






1.Confirming bank means the bank that adds its confirmation to a credit upon the issuing bank's authorization or request.保兑行意指应开证行的授权或请求对信用证加具保兑的银行。

2.Issuing bank means the bank that issues a credit at the request of an apppcant or on its own behalf.开证行意指应申请人要求或代表其自身开立信用证的银行。

3.The Issuing Bank shall be irrevocably bound by an amendment(s) issued by it from the time of the issuance of such amendment(s).自发出信用证修改书之时起,开证行就不可撤销地受本行发出的修改的约束。

4.To see whether Verified by Visa is available for your Visa card, please contact your issuing bank or credit card company.如欲登记,请先与阁下的信用卡公司或发卡银行联络,了解你的信用卡是否提供「VISA验证」(VerifiedbyVisa)服务。

5.Issuing bank means the bank that issues a credit at the request of an apppcant or on its open behalf.保兑行指根据开证行的授权要求对信用证加具保兑的银行。

6.Some card issuing banks do not support onpne payment service. Please check with your own card issuing bank for details.部份发咭银行并不支援网上付款服务,敬请自行向发咭银行查询详情。

7.for that reason it may be issued with other, less stringent security requirement from the issuing bank, compared with ordinary lending.由于这个原因,签发银行可能会发出其他与普通贷款相比不太严格的安全要求。

8.The amount shall be reinstated after each negotiation only upon receipt of Issuing Bank's notice stating that the credit might be renewed .于每次装货议付后,须待收到开证银行通知,方可恢复到原金额使用。

9.Issuing bank means the bank that issues a credit at the request of an apppcant or on i ts own behalf.开证行意指应申请人要求或代表其自身开立信用证的银行。开证行

10.Definitions Advising bank means the bank that advises the credit at the request of the issuing bank.指应开证行的要求通知信用证的银行。通知行