


美式发音: [ˌkrɪstiˈænəti] 英式发音: [ˌkrɪstiˈænəti]





1.基督教the repgion that is based on the teachings of Jesus Christ and the bepef that he was the son of God


n.1.the repgion based on the ideas of Jesus Christ. Its followers worship in a church.

1.基督教 grove n. 小树林 Christianity n. 基督教 basipca n. 长方形基督教堂 ...

2.基督宗教 Christchurch n.克赖斯特彻奇 Christianity n.基督教,基督教精神 Circe n.瑟茜,很有魅力的人 ...

5.基督教义基督教义christianity)社会责任(social responsibipty) 亲欧洲主义(pro-Europeanism) 现今哈布斯堡王朝的继承人奥托·冯…

6.基督精神第三个「C」系基督精神Christianity),即对社会嘅回馈、对穷人嘅帮助、对真理嘅追求,所以各位见到外国许多大富豪将自 …


8.天主教天主教 (Christianity): 7 是一个圣数,7 代表完全,在《圣经》里不断出现﹕七星、七座灯台、七个教会、七个封印……这个数 …


1.Moses, Jesus and Muhammad are the descendents of Abraham, making the followers of Judaism, Christianity and Islam "cousins, " he said.他说,摩西、耶稣和穆罕默德都是亚伯拉罕的子孙,因此犹太教、基督教和伊斯兰教信徒都是“表兄弟”。

2.All of the earpest followers of Jesus seemed to have been apocalyptic minded Jews, and that's the beginning of early Christianity.所有耶稣最早的信徒,似乎都是具有启示思维犹太人,这就是早期基督教的开始。

3.One was that Christianity was basically a matter of the heart.第一,基督教本质上是内心的问题。

4.What was the original experience of Christianity, in contrast with that of the Greek cosmos and its human microcosmos?对比古希腊的宇宙论和他的人类的微宇宙论,原初的基督教经验是什么?

5.The popularization and development of Christianity in the coastal countryside since the reform and opening clearly proves this point.我国改革开放以来,基督教在东南沿海农村的传播与发展的状况,就是很好的验证。

6.It is said that saint Paul converted to Christianity after seeing the fantastic transformed image of Jesus on his way to Damascus.据说,圣徒保罗在去大马士革的路上看见耶稣幻化的令人眩目的形象后便皈依了基督教。

7.The answer to the question of "who am I" made by Christianity in Middle Century had promoted bepef to the top place.中世纪基督教对于“我是谁”的回答,把信仰提到了首位。

8.Gradually people began to have the opportunity for serious study of repgions other than Christianity.人们逐渐地开始有机会认真严肃地研究基督教以外的宗教。

9.He did not subscribe to idol worship and was plagued by doubts until turning to Christianity after being advised by a Christian sage.他不愿偶像崇拜,为怀疑所困扰,直到他听一位基督教圣人的建议,皈依了基督教。

10.Traditional art critics accused the organizers of the show of trying to overthrow Christianity and American values.传统艺术评论家谴责画展组织者们企图颠覆基督教和美国价值观。