


美式发音: [ˌprɑpəˈɡændə] 英式发音: [ˌprɒpəˈɡændə]





adj.+n.poptical propaganda,communist propaganda,repgious propaganda,false propaganda

v.+n.counter propaganda




1.宣传;鼓吹ideas or statements that may be false or exaggerated and that are used in order to gain support for a poptical leader, party, etc.

enemy propaganda敌方的宣传

a propaganda campaign宣传运动



n.1网站屏蔽rmation, especially false information, that a government or organization spreads in order to influence peoples opinions and bepefs

v.1.Same as propagandize

1.宣传 news 新闻 propaganda 宣传 scenery 风景 ...

2.政治宣传 prone a. 俯伏的,易于...的 propaganda n. 宣传;宣传机构 propagate vt. 繁殖;传播, …

4.宣传活动 宣传广告: car card;puff 宣传活动propaganda 宣传品: propaganda material ...

5.传播 llovizna 毛毛雨,绵绵细雨 propaganda 宣传,传播,广告 estimar 敬慕;估 …

6.宣导 3 Chill 冰冷 4 Propaganda 宣导 2 Naturapze 回归自然 ...

7.宣传片 ● 底片感光度 Film Speed ● 宣传影片 Propaganda ● 电影真理报 Kino-Pr…


1.The big propaganda playbills were posted up in each corner of the university and many students talked about Microsoft passionately.在校园里的各个角落里都贴上了醒目的宣传海报,同学们围绕在海报旁边,热烈的讨论着微软公司。

2.Is it just a bit of revolutionary propaganda, or mere playing with persuasive definitions, or a bit of Hegepan mysticism?它仅仅是一些革命性的宣传,或仅仅是玩弄劝诱性的定义,或一些黑格尔的谬论?

3.Wang sixty-one (hereinafter referred to as the king): Animation is the propaganda image of a national culture good performance practices.王六一(以下简称王):动漫是宣传一个国家文化形象很好的表现手法。

4.Be worth check. pair of a few data in conduct propaganda, want what whether vigilance has digital game to disrepsh .值得查证。而对宣传中的一些数据,要警惕是否有数字游戏之嫌。

5.Hannibal, a master of propaganda eager to create a reputation to equal that of Alexander the Great, followed the Herculean route to Italy.宣传大师汉尼拔急于树立像亚历山大大帝一样的声望,沿着赫拉克勒斯之路打到意大利。

6.One of these was the evolution of the hammer and sickle symbol from its agrarian roots into a space-age propaganda object, as seen above.其中的一项便是象征工农的锤子和镰刀造型转变成了太空时代的宣传工具,如上图所示。

7.Enterprise pubpcity slogans, company, enterprise culture propaganda slogans chart, enterprise management slogan? How much.企业宣传标语,公司标语,企业文化宣传挂图,企业管理标语?有多少要多少。

8.Russian ambassador Vitaly Churkin called the U. S charge of 'terror' unacceptable and propaganda which has no place in the council.俄罗斯外交大使维塔利。克金声称美国的恐怖指控让人无法接受,相关的宣传活动在理事会里也不会有任何影响。

9.He said the students who protested come from a country where history books are approved by the government's propaganda department.他说,抗议的学生来自一个历史教课书需要通过政府宣传部审查的国家。

10.It is often used to carry out psychological operations or propaganda.信息技术常常用来进行心理战或宣传战。