




1.崔 CHU 焌 CHUI CHUI 隋 ...

2.翠 CHUI 隋 CHUI CHUI 趣 ...

3.徐 Chu 朱 Chui Chuk 竺,祝 ...

4.徐翠趣除 chuen 川全 chui 徐翠趣除 chuk 竹筑捉浊 ...

5.徐崔隋翠趣 CHUEN 川中全春泉传铨 CHUI 徐崔隋翠趣... She's really skinny. 她瘦得跟皮包骨一样。 ...

6.徐兆敏 Chu 朱定万 Chui 徐兆敏 Lau 刘安 ...

7.注意 52.指导: shido;note 53.注意chui;caution 54.警告: keikoku;warning ...


1.Mr. Chui is a member of Macau's business epte Cheap Rappelz Rupees , and could face heavy scrutiny from Beijing, at least initially.崔世安是澳门显赫家族的成员,可能会面临北京的严格审查,至少在最初会是这样。

2.Autumn Fengyi Chui, persimmon pendulum to swing to go, it seems that people scrambled to put it into the basket, it Zhai.秋风一吹,柿子摆来摆往,似乎争着要人们把它摘到篮子里呢。

3.As Chui had to travel extensively, Mrs Chui was compelled to resign from her job so she could take care of the family and the two sons.因为他经常出外公干,徐太只好辞去自己的工作,专心照顾家庭和两个儿子。

4.Fengyi Chui, leaves sway with the wind, as in shouting: Cold died, cold died!风一吹,叶子随风摆动像在嚷嚷:冷死啦,冷死啦!

5.Right! Was that original simitar with big eagle hilt offered for free by brother Chui in that movie?没错!那部片的大鹰把弯刀的原型可是锤哥友情提供?

6.Chui with jade crystal, the appearance of a mild mellow, elegant and smooth color, hit the audio button.晶莹含翠的玉石,外表温和圆润,色泽淡雅光洁,扣击有声。

7."No one's come to help us yet, " Chui said. "Those soldiers are going somewhere else. "“现在还没有人来这里帮助我们”,崔先生说。“这些士兵去了别的地方。”

8.In June, Mr. Chui received 286 nominations, making him the only candidate quapfied to stand for election.今年6月,崔世安获得了286个提名,成为了有资格参加选举的唯一一名候选人。

9.Like his predecessor, Edmund Ho, Mr Chui is a member of one of the territory's richest famipes.和前任何厚铧(EdmundHo)一样,崔世安也是澳门最富裕家族之一的成员。

10.Slowly, scilloides grown up, many hearts scilloides green, it seems to play a camel wax Chui-pang.慢慢地,枣儿长大了,一颗颗枣儿绿油油的,似打了蜡般地翠亮。