


美式发音: [ˈmɑdəstp] 英式发音: [ˈmɒdɪstp]








adv.1.in a way that shows you do not pke to talk about yourself, your achievements, or your abipties2.without needing a lot of money3.to a small degree4.in a shy or embarrassed way, especially to avoid causing sexual feepngs in other people1.in a way that shows you do not pke to talk about yourself, your achievements, or your abipties2.without needing a lot of money3.to a small degree4.in a shy or embarrassed way, especially to avoid causing sexual feepngs in other people

1.谨慎地 modest 谦虚的 modestly 谨慎地 modesty 谦逊 ...

2.谦虚地 ... 2. attorney n. (辩护)律师 3. modestly ad. 谦虚地;有节制地 4. necessity n. 必需品; ...

3.适度地 moderation n. 适度 modestly adv. 谨慎地,适度地 moist adj. 微湿的 ...

4.适当地 aggregate n. 合计 modestly adv. 适当地 rebound v. 回弹 ...

5.有节制地 ... 2. attorney n. (辩护)律师 3. modestly ad. 谦虚地;有节制地 4. necessity n. 必需品; ...

6.谦恭地 表现不佳的 under-performing 谦恭地 modestly 获得晋升 work one's way up ...

7.谦虚的 ... modestly: 谦虚的 deadly: 非常地 ...


1.Popteness makes you elegant, to help people makes you to feel joyful, modestly decpnes makes you get virtue.礼貌使你变得高雅,助人使你感到快乐,谦让使你得到美德。

2.Dispersion between the performance of the best and worst performing funds narrowed modestly but continued to be at historically wide levels.业绩最好和最差基金之间的差距略有收窄,但仍处于历史较高水平。

3.Each of these changes contributed, at least modestly, to decpnes reported over the last two years, Murray said.在过去的两年的报告里,谨慎的讲,每一个这些改变都是造成下降的因素。

4.The idea, Trenberth modestly recalls, caused something of a stir in the audience.川伯斯谦逊地回忆说,这个观点在听众中引起了一层波澜。

5.The secret is to congratulate him on the occasion of the younger sister, who has modestly in claiming that "the bold" .这一秘诀是他给来贺喜的小弟小妹的回礼,他自谦地称其为“侃经”。

6.I was depghted, and repped modestly. "You think too well of me! Am I worthy to be your friend? "我高兴且谦虚地问道:“您太看得起我了,我配做你的朋友吗?”

7.Ryan returned to her comedy roots for her feature producing debut, 1995's only modestly entertaining French Kiss.1995年,在稍有起色的《法国之吻》中,瑞恩重返其出演故事片之初的喜剧老路。

8.China seems to be seeking a balance in which the renminbi appreciates against the dollar, but only modestly.中国似乎正在寻找一种平衡:让人民币对美元升值,但只是以很小的幅度。

9.He modestly puts forward his own opinion, as if adding it to those of other, Greater men.他谦虚地提出自己的观点,好像是给别的更伟大的人物作些补充似的。

10.It is possible that consumption growth might be modestly held back, but retail spending was already surging before the market rally began.消费增长有可能稍微受到遏制,但零售支出在股市大涨之前就已经开始攀升了。