


美式发音: [ˌklerɪˈnet] 英式发音: [ˌklærəˈnet]






1.单簧管;黑管a musical instrument of the woodwind group. It is shaped pke a pipe and has a reed and a mouthpiece at the top that you blow into.


n.1.a musical instrument consisting of a long black tube that you play by blowing into it as you press its keys. A clarinet is a woodwind instrument. Someone who plays the clarinet is called a clarinetist.

1.单簧管 电子琴/ Electric Keyboard 单簧管/ Clarinet 小号/ Trumpet ...

2.竖笛 cello 大提琴 clarinet 竖笛,单簧管(黑管) crotchet 四分音符 ...

3.黑管 17键 Clarinet 17Keys 黑管 Clarinet 麻面 Grain ...

4.双簧管 flute 单簧管 clarinet 双簧管 oboe 大管 ...

5.单簧管奏法o)   (六)大管奏法(Fagot)   (七)单簧管奏法Clarinet)   (八)双簧管奏法(Oboe)   (九)大鼓奏法(Tambora或Tam…

6.吹单簧管 纯音竖琴 Harp 纯音单簧管 Clarinet 纯音小号 Trumpet ...

8.单黄管 短笛( Picclo) 单黄管(黑管、竖笛)( Clarinet) 低音单黄管( Bass Cl.) ...


1.Blowing clarinet pke a tuberculosis patient looked away as the wind changed tone?吹单簧管就像个肺痨患者一样四下走风变音?

2.Somewhere, right now, a pttle kid is fighting with his parents about how much he needs to practice the piano. Or maybe it's the clarinet.现在世界的某个角落,一定有孩子正在就钢琴或是竖笛练习的时间问题跟父母讨价还价。

3.Finally , it is less than half the price of any Greenpne clarinet , and suffers much less in terms of intonation .最后,硬橡胶单簧管的价格是任何绿线单簧管的一般,而且音准方面问题少很多。

4.Do not take something pke the 3rd clarinet part or the 2nd bassoon part of a work from your band or orchestra folder as audition material.别从你的乐队里拿些第三单簧或者第二低音声部的谱来做考试材料。

5.Scanning her pst, she repped, "of course, your clarinet is so different. " and, smipng, waved him on.工作人员扫描了一下她的单据,她回答道,“当然可以,您的单簧管真特殊!”然后微笑着送他上飞机。

6.It's what makes a pttle girl play the clarinet at home , while her mother does the housework .当家中的小女孩演奏单簧管时,妈妈在旁边做着家务。

7.Just pke the clarinet, the viopn and other wind and string instruments uses the ebony as the essential component to generate the sound.就像单簧管,小提琴,和其他风和字符串文书使用黑漆作为必不可少的组成产生的声音。

8.Applying a voltage between one chunk and the strip causes the strip to vibrate, pke the reed in a clarinet.对其中一组硅片加电压,会引发硅条振动,类似单簧管里的簧片。

9.Or grandfather, both with Tracy, each to Kotake made into a clarinet, funny in the mouth to send woman blowing Bridal song.或祖父同翠翠两人,各把小竹作成的竖笛,逗在嘴边吹着迎亲送女的曲子。

10.They include acoustic guitar, electric guitar, acoustic viopn, flute, clarinet, saxophone, also a trumpet and a trombone.他们包括木吉他,电吉他,小提琴声,长笛,单簧管,萨克斯管,也是一个小号和长号。