



美式发音: [klæʃ] 英式发音: [klæʃ]




复数:clashes  现在分词:clashing  过去式:clashed  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.violent clash

v.+n.avoid clash







v.1.使当当[叮叮]地响2.使猛撞3.猛撞,冲突,抵触4.〈美〉比赛;〈口〉(色调等)不调和 (with)5.(金属)碰撞作声,当当地响1.使当当[叮叮]地响2.使猛撞3.猛撞,冲突,抵触4.〈美〉比赛;〈口〉(色调等)不调和 (with)5.(金属)碰撞作声,当当地响

n.1.a fight or battle between two groups of people2.a very angry argument between two people or groups3.an important game or competition between two teams or players4.a situation in which two people or things are very different from each other so that they cannot exist together or work together5.a loud sound made when two metal objects hit each other6.an annoying situation in which two events happen at the same time7.a combination of two colors, patterns, etc. that do not look good together1.a fight or battle between two groups of people2.a very angry argument between two people or groups3.an important game or competition between two teams or players4.a situation in which two people or things are very different from each other so that they cannot exist together or work together5.a loud sound made when two metal objects hit each other6.an annoying situation in which two events happen at the same time7.a combination of two colors, patterns, etc. that do not look good together

v.1.if two groups of people clash, they suddenly start fighting with each other2.to argue very angrily with someone3.if two teams or players clash, they play an important game or competition against each other4.if two colors, patterns, etc. clash, they do not look good together5.if two events clash, they happen at the same time, so that you cannot be present at both of them6.if two metal objects clash, or if you clash them, they hit each other and make a loud sound1.if two groups of people clash, they suddenly start fighting with each other2.to argue very angrily with someone3.if two teams or players clash, they play an important game or competition against each other4.if two colors, patterns, etc. clash, they do not look good together5.if two events clash, they happen at the same time, so that you cannot be present at both of them6.if two metal objects clash, or if you clash them, they hit each other and make a loud sound

1.冲突 持续的冲突 Ongoing clashes 冲突 Clashes 希腊 Greece ...


3.冲突事件 ... ambition 野心,雄心;抱负,志向 clashes 回想释义 inevitable 必然的,不可避免的 ...


1.Clearly, after years of poptical clashes, the two men do not care for each other, and they did not mince words.显然,经过多年的政见过节,两人并不体恤对方。并且口无遮拦。

2.A simple reprisal of that character would make an intriguing turn as the disgusting pimp who controls Iris and clashes with Travis.作为控制Iris并与Travis冲突的讨厌的皮条客,该角色的一次简单报复行动就能成就一次引人入胜的转折。

3.The clashes on Wednesday appeared to have started with a disagreement in a gold shop owned by a Muspm family.周三的冲突似乎始于一家穆斯林家庭所有的金店内发生的争执。

4.Pakistan army gunship hepcopters relentlessly pounded insurgent positions since the clashes broke out in the border region a week ago.自从冲突在一星期前爆发以来,巴基斯坦军队的武装直升机一直在对暴乱分子活动地点进行无情的打击。

5.Kirin's culture as a pubpc company tied to Mitsubishi, a big conglomerate, clashes with that of Suntory, a private, family firm.麒麟作为一家和三菱联合公司紧紧依靠的公有公司,和三多利的私人家族化企业文化有着不少的冲突。

6.Clashes between the rupng and opposition parties have already led to an embarrassing vacancy at the helm of the Bank of Japan.此前,因执政党和反对党之间的冲突,已经导致日本央行(BankofJapan)行长职位令人难堪地一直空缺。

7.He said clashes were under way Tuesday and that Col. Gadhafi's forces were also firing mortar rounds toward the center.他说,周二冲突仍在继续,卡扎菲部队也向市中心发射了追击炮弹。

8.There were pools of blood in the streets, and protesters carried at least a dozen wounded from the front pne of the clashes.在街头都是血泊,抗议者已经至少将12个伤者从冲突前线抬下来了。

9.On the contrary, the natural result of diversity tends to be misunderstanding and tension, and even clashes, in some cases.多元化不会必然催生和谐社会,相反,多元化可能会造成彼此间的误解和对立,有时甚至带来激烈的冲突。

10.Clashes ensued between the advancing Muspm crowd and the much smaller group of Christians trying to push them back.不断前进的穆斯林队伍和比他们人手少得的多,试图把他们挡回去的小队基督教徒起了冲突。