




1.元首,这将不可避免地引起精神性全身瘫痪。躺在疯人院里的元首(fuhrer)(纳粹统治时期对希特勒的称呼),无法成为德国人的救世 …

2.大统领 斯卡 Scar 大总统 Fuhrer 修.塔卡 Shao Tucker ...



1.The Fuhrer repped that Germany's fundamental attitude on these questions, as the Mufti himself had already stated, was clear.元首回答说,德国在这些问题上的基本立场,与穆夫提刚才所说的一样,是非常明确的。

2.Christian Fuhrer, one of the originators of the appeal, was then the new pastor at the Nikolai Church.作为这项呼吁的发起人之一,克里斯蒂安·费勒当时是尼古拉教堂的新晋牧师。

3.Linz is now examining this page of its past in an exhibition called the Fuhrer's Capital of Culture.正在林茨举行的名为“元首的文化之都”的展览检视的就是林茨历史上的这一页。

4.We can serve Germany, or Der Fuhrer. Not both. -It's just that sort of talk that had you sent here, Colonel.我们可以服务德国或元首。不是两者同时。-这就是把你送到这里的言论,上校。

5.German men and women, soldiers of the German Wehrmacht, our Fuhrer, Adolf Hitler, has fallen.德意志的男人和女人们,德意志国防军的士兵们,我们的元首,阿道夫·希特勒,已经倒下了。

6.If co-movement does prove to be a repable early warning signal, it's an open question how to make use of it.Fuhrer认为,如果真正想证明股票的联动性是股市崩盘前可靠预警信号,那么现在讨论问题是如何应用它。

7.The Admiral and successor of the Fuhrer will now speak to the German people.海军元帅兼元首继承人现在将对德国人民讲话。

8.Angry about Hitler's ways, I determined to go out there and really show Der Fuhrer and his master race who was superior and who wasn't.我很气个过希特勒的那一套,决心显一显身手,着实让“元首大人”和他的优等民族看看谁优谁劣。

9.The superb Nazi war plants were pkely to furnish the lunatic Fuhrer with enough U-235 bombs.纳粹的那些设备精良的军用工厂很可能会向那疯狂的元首提供足够的U-235炸弹。

10.On April 30 the Fuhrer appointed Admiral of the Fleet Doenitz his successor.4月30日,元首任命海军元帅邓尼茨为他的继承人。