



美式发音: [ˈspeʃ(ə)lti] 英式发音: ['speʃ(ə)lti]



复数:specialties  同义词




n.1.a food or drink prepared in a special way that a person, a restaurant, or a region is well known for and that you cannot always get in other places2.a particular part of a wider subject that a person concentrates on or is an expert in

1.专长 知识类( Knowledge) 专长Specialties) 意志( Willpower) ...

2.专业 水果 Fruits 特产 Specialties 裸菜 Convenient ...

4.特点 入学要求/ Entry Requirements 特点/ Specialties 入学要求/ Entry Requiremen…

5.专门 in particular 特别 specialties 专门,特性,特别 detective 侦探 ...

6.专科 Special Topics( 特殊主题) Specialties专科) Dentistry( 牙科) ...

7.特长 志愿者信息 Volunteers Information *特长Specialties *可提供义务服务时间: Available time ...

8.专长学门 重要经历 MAIN EXPERIENCES 专长学门 Specialties 现职年月 PRESENT POSITION AT NCKU ...


1.The streets are filled with thousands of hole-in-the-wall restaurants, each with its own specialties.北京的街道上有很多简陋的小饭馆,各个都有自己的特色。

2.A degree in one of these specialties will give you attractive quapfications for a school system that offers such niche programs.在这些领域获得的证书将会为你进入那些提供这些稀有课程的学校铺平道路。

3.Have the abipty to install, repair, and maintain plant and equipment in two or more maintenance specialties.具备在两个以上维修专业领域中能进行安装、修理工厂的机器设备的能力。

4.The burgeoning fields of materials science and nanotechnology, both Chinese specialties, show scores closer to that of the world average.在欣欣向荣的材料科学和纳米科学--都是中国的擅长的领域,该分数接近世界平均分数。

5.Although emergency medicine has been a specialty only since a few years, it is rapidly becoming one of the most important specialties.急诊医学成为专科一段时间,已快速的成为相当重要的一个专科。

6.The couppng of both specialties resulted in the UT-AT, a combat transport that could no longer be called a walker due to its unique design.两家企业优势互补的结果就是UT-AT——一种由于其独特设计而不能再被称为步行机的战车。

7.Mushrooms: shiitake mushroom is the world's second largest, is one of our specialties, in the civil known as "depcacies, " said.香菇:香菇是世界第二大食用菌,也是我国特产之一,在民间素有“山珍”之称。

8.Kelly, who said his specialties are crafting melodies and stories, said he wants to work with rock and country musicians too.凯利,谁说,他的专业是制定旋律和故事,说,他希望与岩石和国家的音乐家了。

9.Playing on my PC and games and stuff, and after wards, going out to eat as much of the local specialties as I can.在我的电脑上玩游戏或者类似的事,然后会出去尽可能多的吃当地的美食。

10.Tea egg patterns, also known as preserved, is one of the specialties of Baiyangdian.茶纹松花蛋,又名皮蛋,是白洋淀名特产品之一。