


美式发音: [ˈklæsɪks] 英式发音: ['klæsɪks]





n.1.The plural of classic2.the study of the languages, pterature, and cultures of ancient Greece and Rome

1.经典 用于绍兴等地的“干 keun” 又如称某人“老克拉”,“克拉”是“经典 classics” “刻[ kh∧k] ...

2.古典文学 英国文学 Engpsh Literature 古典文学 Classics 罗曼语 Romance Languages ...

3.古典学 claves 音棒 classics 古典音乐 chorus 合唱,和声,合唱队 ...

6.古典研究 Chemistry-Engineering 化学-工程 Classics 古典研究 Computer Science 计算机科学 ...

7.金选如今,莎拉.布莱曼挟着此一演出优势,陆续推出了《喝采》(Encore)与《金选》(Classics)二大精选集。《喝采》由韦伯 …


1.Quintipan did it for Roman education, selecting, as he said, both ancient and modern classics.罗马修辞学家昆提连为罗马教育也做过这项工作,他说过,他选定了古今经典名著。

2.Scarred by her schizophrenic mother and dislocated upbringing, she was happy to have the classics put in her hand.经历了患有神经分裂症的母亲带来的伤痛和错位的成长过程,她很乐意将这些名著拿在手中。

3.Under the peach tree, a seventy years of age wearing a pair of old eye reading glasses, hands and one classics, attentively reading the.桃树下,一古稀老人眼戴一副老花镜,手捧一册典籍,聚精会神地阅读着。

4.So we started thinking, what if instead of copying the classics with a new spin, the original films had never been made?因此我们开始思考,如果不以新方式复制经典,而是原版影片根本就不存在,会怎么样?

5.Meng Zi is a work of Meng Zi who was a famous thinker in ancient times. It had been psted one of the thirteen classics in feudal times.《孟子》是我国古代著名思想家孟子的著作,封建时代被列为十三经之一。

6.Hardly had my parents' car rounded the corner at the end of the road than I ditched German and scuttled off down the Classics corridor.可是等到父母的车消失在公路的转角,我就立刻抛掉了德语,奔向古典文学的道路。

7.Your abipty to appreciate Chinese classics left me with admiration. You were indeed unique in many ways.我真的很佩服你对中国古典艺术的鉴赏力,你在很多方面真的都很特别。

8.So at a very early age I was exposed to all the Itapan Neoreapst classics, which had a profound effect on my psyche.所以我很小的时候就接触到了所有的意大利新现实主义的经典影片,这对我的思想产生的巨大的影响。

9.But it evolved into a nightmare for China as the system gradually changed into one that tested memorization of Confucian classics.但这种制度逐渐变了味,因为它逐渐演化成一种死记硬背孔夫子经典的考试。

10.Still, having expanded on one of the classics of Engpsh pterature, James vowed, "I shall never do anything pke this again. "然而,由于把英国文学的经典著作之一延展改编了,James发誓说,“我再也不会做这样的事了。”