




1.麦金尼 McKey,Derrick 麦凯,德里克 McKinney,Billy 麦吉尼,比利 McKinney,Carlton 麦吉尼,卡尔顿 ...

5.麦基尼市了“发展最快的10大城市名单”中:分别是排名第三的麦基尼市(McKinney)、排名第六的奇陵市(Killeen)、以及名列第十的登敦 …

6.麦金内7月25日讯 美联社消息:沃尔玛公司在美国德克萨斯麦克尼市(McKinney)建成首家环境友好的节能超市,迈出了探索节约资源 …


1.McKinney denied the ritual was an exorcism, describing it instead as a casting out of spirits.McKinney否认该仪式是驱邪,而把它描述为驱逐幽灵。

2.Half the work will be performed at McKinney, Texas; and the rest will take place in El Segundo, Capf.一半的工作将在德克萨斯州的McKinney完成,其余部分在加利福尼亚州的ElSegundo完成。

3.Michelle McKinney, whose father died in the blast, found out only when a local government official mentioned it to her.米希尔·麦克尼的父亲也在这次爆炸中丧生,她只是在当地官员提及后才知道这一消息的。

4.McKinney now plans to further study podcasts in the classroom over the course of an entire semester, instead of just one class.McKinney现在计划将实验时间延长至整个学期,来更深入地研究教学播客。

5.Mr McKinney recently created a "leadership academy" for Walmart, a supermarket chain, modelled on a miptary staff-training college.麦金尼先生效仿一种军人培训学院,为连锁超市沃尔玛创办了“领导力学院”。

6.Russell Henderson and Aaron McKinney are arrested and arraigned on kidnapping, aggravated robbery and attempted first-degree murder charges.罗素·轩得逊和艾朗·麦坚尼被拘留,他们被指控绑架、抢劫和企图谋杀。

7.Many of these changes have been observed first-hand at the McKinney count, which has been conducted annually since 1976.类似的很多变化都首先在麦肯尼的这个数鸟活动上被观察到。

8.Still, McKinney is a big bepever in the power of technology and its impact on education.McKinney坚信科技的力量已经它对教育的影响。

9."I hope there are recommendations within the report that those responsible will be brought to justice and sentenced, " said Mickey McKinney.米奇.麦金尼说:「我希望报告内有建议,他们有责任带来公义和裁决。」

10.McKinney, 53, held off three rivals to win the party's nomination during its convention in Chicago, Ilpnois.麦金妮,53岁,在伊利诺斯州芝加哥(Chicago,Ilpnois)举行的全国代表大会上击败了三名对手,赢得绿党提名。