


美式发音: [ˈklæsɪˌfaɪd] 英式发音: [ˈklæsɪfaɪd]





adj.+n.classified document


adj.secret,confidential,top secret,hush-hush,off the record



1.机密的;保密的officially secret and available only to particular people

classified information/documents/material机密信息╱文件╱材料

2.分类的;归类的with information arranged in groups according to subjects

a classified catalogue分类目录



adj.1.classified information is officially secret and allowed to be known by only a few people connected with the government or miptary

v.1.The past participle and past tense of classify

1.分类广告 证券中国( ChinaStock) 分类广告( Classified) 电子商务( ebiz) ...

2.分类的 advertisement 广告 classified adj. 分类的,机密的 classifiable adj. 可分类的 ...

3.机密的 ) grip 掌握,控制 ) classified 机密的 ) clarify 澄清,阐明 ...

4.分成类的 classification schemes 分类表 Classified 分成类的 classified depreciation 分类折旧 ...

5.保密的 calculation n. 计算 classified a. 保密的 clearance n. 参与机密工作的许可 ...

6.被指定为机密的 ... crazy: 发疯的 classified: 被指定为机密的 clarify: 澄清,阐明 ...


1.They want evolutioniststo produce a weird, chimeric monster that cannot be classified asbelonging to any known group.他们要求进化论者制造出不属于任何已知物种的,神秘而荒诞的怪物。

2.It was the first time the U. S. has disclosed those figures, which had been previously regarded as highly classified.这些数字之前被视作高度机密,这是美国首次披露。

3.This data can only be classified within a business context and can't be classified using a simple hierarchical model, as shown in step 3.此数据仅能在业务上下文中进行分类,而不能使用简单的层次结构模型(如第3步中的模型)进行分类。

4.Yuan to positive end of the tidying up of its disciples, was the essence of which more than 580 articles, classified compilation of a book.元至正末,由其门生加以整理,得其中精粹五百八十余条,分类汇编成书。

5.They want evolutionists to produce a weird, chimeric monster that cannot be classified as belonging to any known group.他们要求演化论者拿出来的,是一种不三不四的怪物,不属于任何已知的生物群。

6.Whether or not infant formula with leptin should be classified as a food or medicine was a question that would have to be resolved, he said.含有瘦素的婴儿配方归类于食品还是药品,是必须解决的问题,他说道。

7.Where is most convenient place for you to put your classified refuse, if you agree to support the organization?假设您愿意支持这个机构的回收工作,您觉得什么地方是方便您放置垃圾的?。

8.Investigations by Cfius are classified and the panel does not always alert companies to the precise nature of its concerns.Cfius的调查属于机密事务,它并不一定会提醒公司它调查的确切所指。

9.The kernel allows each message to be classified with a log level (one of eight that define the severity of the particular message).内核允许每一个消息根据日志级别(定义不同消息重要必的八种级别之一)来分类。

10.He was classified as educationally handicapped and required a great deal of patience on the part of his parents and teachers.他被列为教育残疾人,需要极大的耐心对他的部分家长和教师。