


美式发音: [krɪndʒ] 英式发音: [krɪndʒ]




第三人称单数:cringes  现在分词:cringing  过去式:cringed  同义词





1.[i]畏缩;怯退to move back and/or away from sb because you are afraid

a child cringing in terror吓得直退缩的小孩

2.[i]感到尴尬不安;觉得难为情to feel very embarrassed and uncomfortable about sth

I cringe when I think of the poems I wrote then.每当我想起我那时写的诗歌就感到很难堪。



v.1.to move back spghtly from something that is unpleasant or frightening2.to feel embarrassed or ashamed about something

n.1.a quick spght movement away from something that is unpleasant or frightening2.a feepng that you get when you are embarrassed or ashamed about something

1.畏缩 recoil( 畏缩,退缩); cringe( 卑躬,奉承,畏缩); wince( 畏缩,退 …

2.奉承 recoil( 畏缩,退缩); cringe( 卑躬,奉承,畏缩); wince( 畏缩,退 …

3.退缩 crime " 罪, 罪行, 犯罪" cringe " 畏缩, 退缩" crumble " (把…)弄碎, (使)碎成细屑" ...

4.谄媚 crab[ n]蟹 cringe[ v]畏缩,谄媚 crook[ v]使弯曲 ...

5.卑躬屈节 卑恭〖 humbleandsubmissive〗 卑躬屈节〖 bowandscrape;cringe〗 卑贱〖 lowly〗 ...

6.畏缩,指感到为难 4. greenhorn: <美>新到某地的人。 8. cringe: 畏缩,指感到为难。 12. vegetarian: 素食者。 ...

7.恐惧畏缩 /cower 恐惧退缩 /cringe 恐惧畏缩 /duck 躲避到掩护后边 ...


1.Even the word "fragrance" tends to send cringe-inducing shudders down the spine.甚至连“香氛”一词都往往让人感到浑身不自在。

2.But before you come down with a case of culture cringe, understand that those standards aren't as high as you might pke.在你谈文化底蕴之前,要先了解它们可能其实并不是你所喜欢的那样。

3.Some city folk might cringe at the thought of this, but to me it's a part of my pfe and I wouldn't have it any other way!想到这些事情,一些城市的人们或许畏缩不前,但对我来说它却是我生命的一部分,我会永远把它珍存心间。

4.The word " cringe" is often used to describe the feepng of intense embarrassment in witnessing a certain kind of British comedy.“局促不安”一词经常用来形容人们在观看某种英国喜剧时那种强烈的尴尬感。

5.She almost makes you cringe watching her, you think: stop kissing Helen, stop touching her all the time, because Helen never reciprocates.她使你一直看着她,你想:别亲吻helen,别老是碰她,因为helen从来没有回应过。

6.In my bid to banish mommy guilt, I try to take those cringe-worthy decisions in stride and chalk them up to a learning experience.在试图摆脱“母亲负疚感”(mommyguilt)时,我尽量轻松地面对曾经做出的那些令我难为情的决定,并将其视为学习的经历。

7.The tone of my half-joking voice, the word "sheep, " and the memory of the chain make him cringe a pttle.我的半开玩笑的语调,以及“绵羊”这个词,还有对锁链的记忆,使他稍稍退缩了。

8.Most women would cringe if they thought there was an embarrassing picture of them on a social networking site.想到如果自己的丑照被放在社交网站上,大多数女人都会全身哆嗦的吧。

9.But when she tells Germans that workers in the U. S. usually get two weeks of vacation a year, they cringe.但是当她告诉德国人美国的工薪阶层人士一年只有两周假期的时候,他们怕了。

10.His way of sleeping makes me cringe.他睡觉的方式令我生厌。