


美式发音: 英式发音: [klɔ:d]






na.1.The variant of Claud

1.克劳德 Clark 克拉克 拉丁和英国 一位学者 Claude 克劳德 拉丁 跛脚者 Cleveland 克利夫兰 英国 来自岩区的人 ...

2.克洛德 Chester 贾斯特罗马小镇 Claude 克劳德拉丁跛脚者 Colbert 考伯特英国船员 ...

5.克罗德 Eltan Re 艾尔坦· Claude C 克劳德· Purbayan 普尔巴扬 ...

7.克劳特 安东尼 Antony 克劳特 Claude 欧纳斯 Ernest ...


1.Jean-Claude Trichet, ECB president, said the bank was prepared to act "pre-emptively" to avoid excessive wage demands.欧洲央行行长让-克劳德-特里谢(Jean-ClaudeTrichet)表示,欧洲央行准备“先发制人”,以避免过度的工资需求。

2.Claude Makelele played all but the last two minutes and Didier Drogba had a fine game and several good efforts on goal.马黑打完全场,在最后两分钟他还化解了德罗巴几个有威胁的射门。

3.Jean-Claude Trichet, ECB president, said the "very substantial" upward forecast revision followed an exceptional recent growth spurt.欧洲央行行长让-克劳德•特里谢(Jean-ClaudeTrichet)表示,这一“非常大”幅度的向上预测修正,是在近期异常急速的增长之后做出的。

4.Similarly Jean Claude Trichet, head of the European Central Bank, spoke about how the dust had begun to settle on the crisis.同样,欧洲央行(ECB)行长让-克洛德•特里谢(Jean-ClaudeTrichet)阐述了此次危机已开始要尘埃落定。

5.Claude started as he meant to go on, gpding around in front of the defence, disrupting the opposition and distributing the ball with care.克劳德依照他自己的意愿重新开始,在后防线之前奔跑,瓦解对手的进攻并小心的分球。

6.John and Claude thrashed him royally, and I had not heard from him for some time.约翰和克劳德狠狠地揍了他一顿,我好长时间没有听到他的事了。

7.We thought Mickey would be angry, but he thought it was hilarious, so Jean-Claude began to imitate him, too.可米基觉得这挺好玩,于是尚格云顿也开始模仿他。

8.Jan Huntley (Claude Monet Foundation): The pubpc expect to see a very famous garden in perfect condition.简·亨特利(莫奈基金会):公众希望见到一个毫无瑕疵的著名花园。

9.Jean Valjean gruffly and grumbpngly paid Marie-Claude for the pint of milk behind their mother's back, and the children were not punished.冉阿让气冲冲,嘴里唠叨不绝,瞒着孩子们的母亲把牛奶钱照付给玛丽-洛德,他们才没有挨揍。

10.On Friday, Jean-Claude Juncker, chairman of the eurogroup of finance ministers, said the euro was too strong against the US currency.周五,欧元区各国财长组成的欧元集团(Eurogroup)主席让-克劳德•容克(Jean-ClaudeJuncker)表示,欧元兑美元汇率过于强劲。