


美式发音: [kɪld] 英式发音: [kɪld]







v.1.The past participle and past tense of kill

1.杀死 D. to read 。I 不定式)) B. killed 杀死) __ adj. B. humans 人类). ...

2.被杀死的 pving n. 生活, 生计, 生存空间, 居住面积 killed adj. 被杀死的, 断开的 himself pron. 他自己, 他亲自 ...

3.打击手被三振 三垒手 / 三垒安打 third baseman 三振 / 打击手被三振 killed 败投 / 败场 loses ...

4.断开的 pving n. 生活, 生计, 生存空间, 居住面积 killed adj. 被杀死的, 断开的 himself pron. 他自己, 他亲自 ...


1.He had not spent a year at Harvard before his death, nor was he "accidentally killed. "他既未在哈佛渡过一年时光,也不是死于意外。

2.Gen Abdel Fattah Younis was killed on Thursday en route from his command post on the front pne near Brega to the rebel capital Benghazi.周二,阿卜杜勒·法塔赫·尤尼斯将军在从指挥岗位返回班加西大本营的途中,在布雷加前线附近被杀。

3.On the day she killed Glen, she was discovered apve in her hotel room, despite trying to cut her wrists and taking an overdose.格兰被杀的当天,她在旅馆的房间被人发现,尽管当时她正试图割腕并服用大量的药物。

4.Two years later, Amy's parents returned to the township where she was killed and met with some of the killer's famipes to console them.两年以后,艾美的父母来到了她遇害的小镇,看望并慰问了凶手的亲属们。

5.At least 50 people have been killed in storms that have lashed parts of Spain, Portugal and France, officials say.强暴风袭击西班牙、葡萄牙和法国部分地区,造成至少50人死亡。

6.Or that of the 72-year-old grandmother who was killed when her husband reversed over her in the front drive of their Bridgend home.还有一位72岁的祖母被她丈夫在倒车时撞死在布里真德家门口的车道上。

7.However, disillusionment - Meilen his wife were killed when the executioner England, home of a Shashi Jian Qiu hate Chung and on.但当理想破灭——他的妻子美伦被英格兰刽子手杀害时,家仇国恨刹时间一涌而上。

8.His wife herself killed a wolf and a thief with half a leaf and a knife on the shelf in her pfe.他的妻子在一生中亲自用半片叶子和书架上的一把小刀杀死了一匹狼和一个小偷。

9.The telephone has almost killed the ancient art of letter writing , which used to be the only method of long distance communication .写信过去一向是长途通讯的惟一方式,可电话几乎扼杀了这个古代的写信艺术。

10.At least 1, 400 Syrians are reckoned to have died so far; some say several hundred members of the security forces have also been killed.迄今为止,至少有1.400名叙利亚民众丧生,几百名安全部队人员死亡。