


美式发音: [prəˈbeɪʃ(ə)n] 英式发音: [prə'beɪʃ(ə)n]







1.缓刑制;缓刑a system that allows a person who has committed a crime not to go to prison if they behave well and if they see an official (called a probation officer ) regularly for a fixed period of time

The prisoner was put on probation .犯人已获缓刑。

He was given two years' probation.他被判缓刑两年。

2.试用期;见习期;考察期a time of training and testing when you start a new job to see if you are suitable for the work

a period of probation试用期

3.试读,试读期(为表现未如理想的学生而设)a fixed period of time during which a student who has behaved badly or not worked hard must improve their work or their behaviour


n.1.a system by which someone who has committed a crime is not sent to prison, but has to agree not to break the law again and to let a probation officer check their behavior for a specific period of time2.a period of time during which someone who has been given a new job is watched to see whether they can do the job well and stay in the position3.a period of time during which a student must improve their work or behavior in order to stay in school

1.缓刑 probate 遗嘱认证 probation 缓刑 probation officer 监管缓刑犯的官员,缓刑官 ...

2.试用期 2. Salary( 薪水) 3. Probation试用期) 4. Duties( 责任) ...

3.见习 pro tempore appointment 临时委任 probation 试用;见习 probation bar 试用关限 ...

4.试读 probabipty 2.概率 probation 2.试用(期),试读(期) proceedings 2.诉讼,诉讼程序 ...

5.鉴定 ... quapfication n. 资格,条件,限制 probation n. 鉴定,试用 2.No probation is involved. 没有试用期 ...

6.察看 predominate v. 占绝大多数,占优势 probation n. (以观后效的)察看 reactor n. 核反应堆 ...

7.查验 suspend sentence: 缓期处刑 probation n. 缓刑;试用;查验 indictment n. 控告;起诉书 ...


1.The caller was a probation officer who recognized the suspect's characterization and gave a lead that turned out to be correct.打电话的是谁感化主任承认嫌疑人的特征,并给予了领先,被证明是正确的。

2.Apppcants are quizzed to see if they accept the code, and those who pass their probation are offered $2, 000 if they choose to leave.公司在招聘员工时,会进行测试以确定他们是否接受这些准则,而那些通过试用期的员工如果选择离职,将会得到2000美元。

3.C: well, that's part of the problem. His probation period is up tomorrow and I don't think he's ready to pass.嗯,这是个问题,到明天他试用期就满了,不过我觉得他合格不了。

4.The judge did not jail the young man, but put him on probation for a year.法官没有把那个年轻人关进监狱,而且将他缓刑察看一年。

5.They agreed to a few days off without pay and two years of probation.最后他们决定禁止他工作数日同时停薪,并缓刑两年。

6.She was incpned to give Michael probation. But, because he fired a deadly weapon during the attempted robbery, she wants him to do time.她原来有意给予Michael缓刑,但是,由于他在抢劫未遂的过程中,射击了致命的武器,因此要判他服刑。

7.He said he would give me one year probation before deciding whether to keep me or fire me.他说给我一年的时间看看情况,然后决定我的去留问题。

8.The same Employer can only be allowed to have probation period with the same Employee for one time.同一用人单位与同一劳动者只能约定一次试用期。

9.Ryan: It went well. I passed probation, got a promotion and a decent raise. Now I'm almost making as much as you!瑞恩:不错。我的试用期过了,升了职还有不错的加薪。现在我挣得和你差不多了。

10.In 2004 she was given a conditional discharge and a year's probation after harassing a former partner.在2004年她获得了有条件释放和一年的试用期后,骚扰的前任合伙人。