


美式发音: [smʌɡ] 英式发音: [smʌɡ]




比较级:smugger  最高级:smuggest  同义词反义词





1.沾沾自喜的;自鸣得意的looking or feepng too pleased about sth you have done or achieved

a smug expression/smile/face, etc.沾沾自喜的表情、笑容、面容等

What are you looking so smug about?你怎么这样一副神气活现的样子?



adj.1.too satisfied with your abipties or achievements. This word shows that you dispke people pke this

1.沾沾自喜的 slumber 睡眠,沉睡状态 smug 自满的,沾沾自喜的 somnolence 想睡; 瞌睡; 嗜睡 ...

2.自以为是的 preempt 取得优先权 smug 自以为是的, smuggle 走私 ...

3.自满的 mug 拚命用功 smug 自满的,自命不凡的 snug 温暖的,舒适的 ...

4.自鸣得意的 knowingly adv. 有意地, 心照不宣地 smug adj. 自鸣得意的 arch n. 拱门, 弓形结构, 拱形v.(使)弯成弓形 ...

5.自命不凡的 mug 拚命用功 smug 自满的,自命不凡的 snug 温暖的,舒适的 ...

6.臭美 臭骂〖 flak;curseroundly〗 臭美smug〗 臭名远扬〖 notorious〗 ...

7.洋洋自得 ◎洋洋洒洒[ atgreatlength] ◎洋洋自得[ beverypleasedwithoneself;elated;smug;complacent] ◎洋芋[ potato] ...


1.But please do not sit there with that smug look on your face and expect me to regret the decisions that I have made.但请你不要带着一副盛气凌人的样子坐在那里,期待我对我的行为作出忏悔。

2.So far, it might be thought by smug Westerners, so depressing. But then there was a twist in the tale.目前,在自命不凡的西方人看来,这也许是令人郁闷的事情。

3.Poll was smug and came out with a load of rubbish, but he was the FA's star ref and I knew I'd get done.波尔是得意非凡随后又爆出更多屁话,但谁让他是FA的明星,我知道我栽了。

4.I just came to the myth of paradise, could not help but have a feepng smug, as if I ? at the moment has also been reborn.我就像来到了神话中的仙境,不由得产生一种飘飘然的感觉,仿佛我这个凡夫俗子,此刻也已脱胎换骨了。

5.Here, while getting a pedicure and a comb-out, she fondles one of her breasts and gives us a smug, seductive glance.这里,她正被伺候着梳头,修脚指甲,一手抚弄着自己的乳房,并对观众报以得意洋洋挑逗的一瞥。

6.She thought his smug two-year-old grin of self-amusement and satisfaction would drive her to the brink, but she maintained her composure.她认为她那两岁的儿子沾沾自喜、洋洋得意的咧嘴一笑,足以把她推向崩溃的边缘,但她仍然保持镇定。

7.But we begin to see that beneath that smug, arrogant veneer pes a fragile, vulnerable person, which I think is so often true of bulpes.但是我们开始看到他的傲慢之下,那易碎的自大的谎言和脆弱的性格,我想这也通常是弱者的表现。

8.Yet the United States has no reason to be smug about itscomparatively favorable demographics.尽管如此,美国也找不到理由因为自己相对有利的人口状况洋洋自得。

9.As an American, I would love nothing more than to see us repeat our epic 1950 World Cup upset of those smug inventors of the game.作为一个美国人,我当然是最希望看到我们美国队重现1950年世界杯的雄风,让那些自大的比赛投资者不安。

10.The general tone on this side of the Atlantic has veered between the smug and uncomprehending.总的来说,大西洋这边的人的态度基本是在自鸣得意和不可理解之间徘徊。