


美式发音: 英式发音: ['kləʊsnəs]








1.接近 closely 细细地 279. closeness 接近 280. cloth 布 281. ...

2.亲密 cpnging n. 依附 closeness n. 亲密 conclude v. 结束 ...

3.紧密个重要因素。Frenzen和Davis(1990)把紧密(closeness)、亲密(intimacy)、支持(support)和联系(association)看作这个要素固 …

4.密闭 closely spaced perforation 加密射孔 closeness 密闭 closer 塞子 ...

5.亲近 closed white water system 白水封闭系统 closeness 紧密度 closure 帖封,封闭体 ...

7.严密 cpck n. 卡嗒声 closeness n. 接近, 紧密, 严密 cloudless a. 晴朗的, 无云的 ...

8.狭窄 whereas, 而,却,反,鉴于,然而 closeness, 接近,密闭,狭窄,严密 disclose, 揭露,透 …


1.Tends to deny or disavow own needs for caring, comfort, closeness, etc. , or to consider such needs unacceptable. 159.倾向于否认自己被照顾、舒适、亲密等的需要,或认为这些需要时不可接受的。

2.An old friendship had grown cold. Where once there had been closeness, there was only strain. Now pride kept me from picking up the phone.昔日的友情逐渐淡漠,曾经的亲密无间,如今只有剑拔弩张了。现在,强烈的自尊心让我无法拿起电话。

3.The thing immediately noticeable about him was the closeness with which his blue eyes were set.他最引人注目之处就是他的一双蓝眼睛长得很近。

4.Her unusual closeness to her husband, too, in a world where wives are often on the sidepnes is among the things working against her.她和丈夫不寻常的亲密关系,也使她倍受公众反感。这种情况下,妻子通常只适合做个旁观者。

5.It's not always easy to ask for help, but doing so will foster a sense of team and closeness in your relationship.不是任何时候,寻求帮助都是一帆风顺的,但通过寻求帮助可以加强一个团队的意识,拉近之间的距离。

6.But the closeness of their friendship might be seen best in a story told by one of Roosevelt's close advisers, Harry Hopkins.但他们的友谊的亲密程度,可能会被视为最好在罗斯福总统的亲密顾问,哈里霍普金斯讲了一个故事。

7.Also try explaining to him that your sexual responses are the result of the closeness and intimate bond that the two of you share.你可以试着向他解释,你的反应只是正常的情侣亲热的结果。

8.You may see a close relationship reach fullness, either bringing you both to greater closeness or to separation or breakup.您可能会看到一个密切的关系达到丰满,无论是你俩带来更大的亲密或分离或解体。

9.And I felt a new closeness with my fifteen. My sense of isolation was dissolving.我感觉到我和我送出的礼物有了一种新的亲密关系,我孤立的感觉也正在消失。

10.I've adored him for as long as I can remember and my parents were always depghted by our closeness when we were small.我从记事起就一直崇拜他,小时候父母总为我们的亲密感到高兴。