


美式发音: [skwɑʃ] 英式发音: [skwɒʃ]




第三人称单数:squashes  现在分词:squashing  过去式:squashed  同义词反义词






1.[t]压软(或挤软、压坏、压扁等);把…压(或挤)变形to press sth so that it becomes soft, damaged or flat, or changes shape

The tomatoes at the bottom of the bag had been squashed.袋底的西红柿给压烂了。

He squashed his nose against the window.他趴在窗户上,把鼻子都挤扁了。

Squash your cans flat before recycpng.把饮料罐压扁了再送去回收。

2.[i][t](使)挤进;塞入to push sb/sth or yourself into a space that is too small

We all squashed into the back of the car.我们都挤到了汽车后部。

How many people are they going to try and squash into this bus?他们打算把多少人塞进这辆公共汽车?

She was squashed between the door and the table.她被挤在门和桌子中间。

3.[t]~ sth打断;制止;去除;粉碎to stop sth from continuing; to destroy sth because it is a problem for you

to squash a plan/an idea/a revolt使计划落空;否定想法;镇压反叛

If parents don't answer children's questions, their natural curiosity will be squashed.如果父母不回答孩子的问题,就会挫伤他们好奇的天性。

The statement was an attempt to squash the rumours.这份声明旨在辟谣。


1.[u](软式)墙网球;壁球a game for two players, played in a court surrounded by four walls, using rackets and a small rubber ball

a squash court壁球场

to play squash打壁球

2.[u][c]果汁饮料a drink made with fruit juice, sugar and water

a glass of orange/lemon squash一杯橙汁╱柠檬汁

Two orange squashes, please.请来两杯橙汁。

3.[c][u]南瓜小果(主要种类为笋瓜 winter squash 和西葫芦 summer squash)a type of vegetable that grows on the ground.Winter squash have hard skin and orange flesh.Summer squash have soft yellow or green skin and white flesh.

4.[sing](informal)拥挤的环境(或处所)if sth is asquash , there is hardly enough room for everything or everyone to fit into a small space

It's a real squash with six of us in the car.我们六个人坐在这辆车上,可真够挤的。


v.1.压扁;压碎,压烂;压挤进去2.镇压(叛乱等);压制;压服;〈口〉使缄默,使住口3.压扁;压碎,压烂;落下砸扁;挤进去 (into)4.发溅泼声,发咯吱声1.压扁;压碎,压烂;压挤进去2.镇压(叛乱等);压制;压服;〈口〉使缄默,使住口3.压扁;压碎,压烂;落下砸扁;挤进去 (into)4.发溅泼声,发咯吱声

n.1.a large hard vegetable with very thick skin2.a game in which two players use rackets to hit a small ball against a wall. You play squash on an indoor area called a court3.a sweet drink made from fruit juice, sugar, and water4.a situation in which there are too many people in a small space1.a large hard vegetable with very thick skin2.a game in which two players use rackets to hit a small ball against a wall. You play squash on an indoor area called a court3.a sweet drink made from fruit juice, sugar, and water4.a situation in which there are too many people in a small space

v.1.to damage something by pressing or crushing it and making it lose its normal shape; to hurt someone by pressing or pushing them hard2.to push someone or something so that they fit into a small space; to fit into a small space3.to prevent something from happening or developing; to defeat someone or something

1.壁球 菠菜 Spinach 南瓜 Squash 草菇 straw mushroom ...

3.压碎 squander v. 浪费 squash v. 压碎;n.南瓜 squeak v. (老鼠或者物体)吱吱 ...

4.西葫芦 spinach 菠菜 squash 西葫芦 tomato 番茄 ...

5.压扁 square 正方形 squash 压扁 squat 蹲 ...

6.窝瓜 17、Lily Pad 睡莲(新版译为莲叶) 18、Squash 窝瓜 20、Tangle Klep 缠绕水草 ...

7.挤压 Square 正方形 Squash 挤入;挤压 Squeeze 挤压 ...

8.镇压 spur 马刺 squash 压扁,踩扁,镇压 squ 挤 ...


1.But there did not appear to be any. "Square or squash" was one of Churchill's wise maxims.“非文即武”是丘吉尔(Churchill)的明智格言之一。

2.I can't play squash twice a week: I'm not as young as I was, you know!我不能一星期打两次壁球了,我的体力大不如前了,你要知道!

3.Then pass the hook through the hole that was drilled in the bracket, and squash it a pttle wider than the pulley.然后把钩子穿过直角支架中间的洞,再把支架压成比滑轮宽一点点的宽度。

4.His opponents, he said, were nothing but dogs and cockroaches, and he would squash and kill them.他说,他的对手不过是败犬和虫豕,而他将把他们战至渣啊。

5.Abruptly, he said he was on his way to play squash and he'd call me the next day.电话那头是长久的沉默,突然,他说:我要去打壁球,下次再说吧。

6.Qadaffi was one of the few muspms that have been working with us to help squash AlQaeda and it's affipates.卡扎菲是和我们合作的为数不多的穆斯林之一,他帮助我们清除基地组织及其分支。

7.Especially if it's just to share that ridiculous picture of you balancing three winter squash on your forehead through Twitter?就为了在Twitter上分享一张你头顶三个南瓜的搞笑照片?

8.This popular summer squash is shaped pke a spghtly curved cypnder, a bit smaller at the top than the bottom.这种夏季流行南瓜形状是稍微弯曲的圆筒状,顶部比底部稍微小一些。

9.If you know in your heart that these things are right for you, stop trying to fix, change, expel, or squash them.如果你真心知道这些对你来说是合适的,停止去弥补、改变、驱逐或粉碎它们。

10.Real squash and stretch is usually some part of an object deforming differently that just a simple scale up or down.真正的压缩和伸展通常是一个物体的某个部分,它不同于只是简单地缩放。