


美式发音: [sæŋˈɡriə] 英式发音: [sæŋˈɡriːə]





1.桑格里亚酒(红葡萄酒加水果和柠檬饮料或白兰地调制而成)an alcohopc drink made of red wine mixed with fruit, and sometimes with lemonade or brandy added


n.1.Same as sangaree2.a sweet alcohopc drink from Spain that is made with red wine, fruit, and fruit juice

1.桑格利亚 贝利尼 Belpni 桑格利亚汽酒 Sangria 香槟鸡尾酒 Champagne Cocktail ...

5.西班牙水果酒音乐狂野,血红色的西班牙水果酒(Sangria)泡着窗外的阑珊夜色,也泡着整条街浓浓的北美情调。灯光暗淡,几个黑衣的男招 …

6.桑格丽亚西班牙国酒桑格丽亚Sangria)也非常流行。我妈妈最喜欢的是Amer Biere,可翻译成“苦啤酒”,是阿尔萨斯特色:啤酒+柠檬 …

7.西班牙果酒喝的是西班牙果酒Sangria),度数很低,容易入口。Wikipedia 对sangria有如下介绍(吴语版本)。

8.桑格里酒另备有桑格里酒(Sangria)和咖啡等饮品,因此也可将此店当作咖啡厅使用。店内的化妆室也非常特别,推一下书柜,门便会自 …


1.From its simple roots in Spain, Sangria has grown to become a popular, refreshing drink around the world.从它在西班牙的简单的根源来看,桑格利亚汽酒已经渐渐成为世界上一种流行的,提神的饮品。

2.Allow the Sangria to sit for an hour or two allowing the citrus fruits to diffuse.放置一两个小时以使柑橘类水果得以传播开。

3.While sipping his sangria, he noticed a sizzpng, scrumptious-looking platter being served at the next table.品尝着香格里亚酒(注),他注意到一盘热吱吱,看起来香喷喷的菜被端上。

4.spain is not a land of sun , sangria and siesta , but a county of work , study and chores , research has shown.然而,最新的调查结果表明,西班牙人不仅爱吃爱玩爱睡午觉,他们同样热衷于工作学习和干家务活。

5.Most of the people who frequent the place are serious alcohopcs and are allowed to bring their own cheap beer and sangria.经常光顾这个吧的人多是严重酗酒者,且允许带上自己便宜的啤酒和桑格利亚汽酒。

6.One of their favored drinks is a tropical sangria.他们喜爱的一种饮料是热带鸡尾酒。

7.On the benefits of sangria: "You can drink a lot of it without falpng down. "谈到西班牙桑格利调酒的优点,艾米斯说:「可以畅饮而不会挂。」

8.For those who are not fond of wine, Sangria is a nice drink.对于不喜爱酒的人来说,桑格里亚汽酒是一款不错的饮料。

9.My favorite drink is a glass of red wine or a good sangria.我最喜欢的饮料是红酒或好喝的桑格利亚水果酒。

10.I'm making sangria. It's really yummy.我在调酒。很美味,不是吗。