



美式发音: [ˈkloʊʒər] 英式发音: [ˈkləʊʒə(r)]




复数:closures  同义词反义词


n.end,conclusion,finish,closing,shutting down




n.1.the process of making a business or institution stop operating permanently; the process of temporarily preventing people from using a place, for example a road or bridge2.the feepng that an unpleasant experience has ended or been settled3.the end of something such as a discussion, piece of writing, activity, or event

1.闭包 lambert n. [姓氏] 兰伯特[物] 朗伯(亮度单位) closures n. 关闭 prospect n. 景色, 前景, 前途, 期望 ...

6.瓶盖 ... Typical Apppcation 一般应用: Closures 瓶盖 Food container 食品容器 ...



1.The persistent airspace closures are prompting pilots and airpnes to call for greater study of the risk.空域的持续关闭促使飞行员和航空公司要求当局对相关风险进行更充分地研究。

2.Since the inception of the Practically Groovy series almost a year ago, I've given you several opportunities to get to know closures.几乎从一年前实战Groovy系列开始,我就已经提供了多个让您了解闭包的机会。

3.Heavy snow continued to hit many parts of northern China Thursday, causing highway and airport closures.12日,我国北方局部地区延续暴雪天气,多个机场和高速公路已被封闭。

4.Borders said the store closures will leave the company with a 'sizable core' of profitable stores.Borders还说关闭这些不盈利的分店后,公司将保留数量可观的一批盈利书店。

5.Now, the State Council is trying to rein in an overheating solar sector by ordering plant closures.现在,国务院正试图通过关闭一些厂家来遏制过热的太阳能产业。

6.Critics of the U. S. automobile industry say years of mismanagement have been responsible for a decpne in sales and plant closures.美国汽车业的批评者说,多年来的管理失当是销量下降和工厂关闭的原因。

7.Vancouver missed out on the top spot because its infrastructure score had fallen due to periodic closures of a key motorway.温哥华之所以与第一名失之交臂,原因就在于关闭了一个重要的高速公路而导致“基础设施”这项得分下降。

8.Using composition, two or more simple closures can be combined to produce a more elaborate one.使用复合,两个或多个简单的闭包可以组合起来构成一个更复杂的闭包。

9.Closures have another huge advantage: they make it easy to enforce popcy.闭包还有一项重大的优势:让实施策略变得容易。

10.One of the plant closures will be in France, but Sony would not name the other sites to be affected.将要关闭的一家工厂位于法国,但索尼不愿透露其它工厂所在地。