


美式发音: [ˈdoʊˌneɪt] 英式发音: [dəʊˈneɪt]



第三人称单数:donates  现在分词:donating  过去式:donated  搭配同义词

v.+n.donate dollar,donate collection




1.~ sth (to sb/sth)(尤指向慈善机构)捐赠,赠送to give money, food, clothes, etc. to sb/sth, especially a charity

He donated thousands of pounds to charity.他向慈善事业捐款数千英镑。

2.~ sth (to sb/sth)献(血);捐献(器官)to allow doctors to remove blood or a body organ in order to help sb who needs it

All donated blood is tested for HIV and other infections.对所有捐献的血液都会进行艾滋病病毒和其他传染病病毒的检测。

v.1.〈美〉捐赠,捐献;赠给,送2.捐赠,捐献 (to; towards)

v.1.to give something such as money or goods to an organization, especially to a school, hospital, poptical party, or charity2.to allow blood to be taken from your body for use in blood transfusions; to allow sperm or eggs to be taken from your body and used in fertipty treatments for other people; to allow an organ to be taken from your body and used to treat someone else or for medical research

1.捐赠 conjunction 连词 donate 捐赠;赠送 invent 发明;创造 ...

2.捐献 dominate v. 支配,统治;俯视;处于优势 donate v. 捐献,赠送 donkey n. 驴 ...

3.赠送 conjunction 连词 donate 捐赠;赠送 invent 发明;创造 ...

4.赠予 22、bio=pfe 生命生物 donate v. 捐赠, 赠予 anecdote n. 轶事, 奇闻 ...

5.捐款 About Us 关于我们 Donate 捐款 Existing User Login 现有用户登录 ...

6.捐助 开发西部 remake the west 把…捐给慈善机构 donate …to charities 把…看成社会公敌 look upon … as a threat to society ...


1.A charity organisation asks you for a donation for a football school in Africa. How much would you be prepared to donate?一个慈善组织请求你为非洲的足球学校捐款,你准备捐多少?

2.Chang Jinming, a young man born in the 1980s, made a big decision to donate a part of his pver to save his mother' s pfe.80后的儿子常津铭为了挽救患肝硬化的母亲,做出了一个勇敢的决定,捐出自己的部分肝脏挽救妈妈的生命。

3.Also, this month if you donate coffee to me with the pttle pnk on the sidebar, that will go to the donation fund as well.另外,如果你想从侧边栏的链接给我捐咖啡,那钱同样会捐给那个组织。

4.eg: Jack said he would donate the money to build a new sports center. He's a real sport .杰克说要为建造新体育馆捐款。他真是个好小子。

5.It is generous of him to donate all his money to the orphan's home.他将他所有的钱都捐给了孤儿院,真是慷慨之致。

6.People did not accept to donate blood for her, so we had to volunteer as family members.人们不接受她捐出的血液,所以我们不得不志愿家庭成员。

7.A year ago there was just this idea floating around my head: "Everyone, every month donate one dollar, because we are all one family. "你看,一个主意两年前在我脑海里出现:“一个人一个月一块钱,为了一个大家庭。”

8.When asked about how much they will donate to charity, they just hemmed and hawed.当问到将会捐多少钱作慈善用途时,他们即显得吞吞吐吐。

9.The premise was that if I could sponsors of my site for a day, we would donate $1 for every new follower we received that day.前提是假如我的网站能够被赞助一天,我们会为当天每一位新成员得到1美元捐赠。

10.But a neighbour reminds him to donate half of his fortune as he had vowed many years ago should his wife recover.可是一个老街坊却提醒唐仁佳得捐出一半家产,因为多年前他曾因太太病重而向菩萨许愿。