


美式发音: [ˈkoʊstər] 英式发音: [ˈkəʊstə(r)]



复数:coasters  同义词




1.玻璃杯垫a small flat object which you put under a glass to protect the top of a table

2.航行于沿海港口间的轮船a ship that sails from port to port along a coast


n.1.a small flat object that you put under a cup to protect the table2.something that coasts, especially a small vehicle3.a ship that travels along the coast from one port to another carrying goods

1.柯斯达 KD cart 餐车 Coaster 杯垫 Waste basket 垃圾桶 ...

3.丰田柯斯达 海狮 HIACE 考斯特 COASTER 红杉 sequoia ...

5.丰田考斯特 amusement n. 消遣;娱乐(活动) coaster n. 惯性运转装置 roller coaster n. 过山车 ...

7.茶杯垫 caddy 茶叶罐 coaster 茶杯垫 Blue Mountain Coffee 蓝山咖啡 ...

8.沿海船 River boat,inland-water-ways ship 内河船 Coaster 沿海船 Sea-going ship 海船 ...


1.What goes on inside is a mystery, no doubt. Roller coaster ride, I may never work it out.内心会继续怎么变化是一个秘密,不要怀疑,过山车的刺激,我可能永远都不知道。

2.Take your dad to the amusement park. Gather your courage and brave a roller coaster with him to show your appreciation.带父亲去主题公园。鼓起勇气,勇敢地和他一起坐过山车,借以表达你对他的感激。

3.For as long as he bepeves that he must plunge to the bottom after soaring to the top, his pfe will be a dizzy roller-coaster ride.因为只要他相信他必须在沉到谷底后才能到达顶峰,他的生命就会像做过山车一样,晕头转向。

4.The last few weeks have been a real roller coaster.过去的几个星期,形势真是变幻莫测。

5.While some experts called it a roller coaster kind of day, others were quick to put a calming tone to it.当一些专家称之为反复不定的一天的时候,其他的人则用平静的口吻来描述她。

6.For me personally, it was a roller-coaster of a year.就我个人而言,今年就像做过山车一样。

7.I worried that the roller coaster would be too scary for her, but she insisted.我担心过山车对她来说太刺激,她却坚持要玩。

8.Like a roller coaster, pfe seems to race into dark valleys of uncertainty, and yet it seems only to inch toward peaks of hope.人生好像过山车,全速驶向不明朗的幽暗之谷,但面对盼望的高山,却只能寸步而行。

9.The reason the Keepers give the metaphor of a roller coaster is to make sure you think of this in terms of fun.保管者以过山车的比喻讲出来是为了让你觉得它很有趣。

10.Soon you find yourself on an exciting roller coaster ride, known as "dune bashing, " going up and down the dunes.你很快会发现自己踏上云霄飞车般的刺激之旅,在沙丘间上上下下奔驰,人称这个活动为「飙沙」。