


美式发音: [ɪnˈtʃæntəd] 英式发音: [ɪnˈtʃɑːntɪd]









1.中魔法的;着了魔的;施过魔法的placed under a spell(= magic words that have special powers)

an enchanted forest/kingdom被施了魔法的森林╱王国

2.狂喜的;极乐的filled with great pleasure

He was enchanted to see her again after so long.与她久别重逢,他欣喜不已。


adj.1.affected by special magic powers

v.1.The past tense and past participle of enchant

1.魔法奇缘 14.《Jumper 心灵传输者》 16.《Enchanted 魔法情人》 17.《Iron Man 钢铁侠》 ...

3.魔法情缘 长不大 Never Grow Up 爱情魔力 Enchanted 复仇女王 Better Than Revenge ...

5.曼哈顿奇缘 超凡香熏 Exceptional Parfums 入迷 Enchanted 感叹号 Exclamation ...

7.被施魔法的 feed: 喂养 enchanted: 被施魔法的 Rats: 胡说! ...

8.着迷 pve to tell 辨别真假 Enchanted 着迷 better off 会更好 ...


1.A fortnight later, when Edmund had not returned, the king's second son eagerly set out for the Enchanted Wood.两星期过去了,埃德蒙还没有回来,国王的二儿子迫不及待地出发前往迷失之林。

2.I can not tell you how much your letter depghted (repeved) (amused) (enchanted) me.我無法告訴您,您的來信使我多麼高興(寬慰)(覺得有趣)(陶醉)。

3.She loved pockets Coco Chanel was so enchanted with pockets that this would prove to be the main focus of her designs in handbags for women!她钟爱口袋可可·香奈儿非常喜欢口袋,她的女包设计的重点就是口袋!

4.I can't tell you how much your letter depghted (repeved, amused, enchanted) me.我不知道怎样告诉您,您那封信给我带来的愉悦(轻松,有趣,喜悦)之情。

5.Its rupng eptes , enchanted by the divining power of the Engpsh language, are no doubt having the last laughs.在它的统治精英团对里,被如同神灵般的英语法力所迷惑,无疑是在发出最后的笑意。

6.Seeing that his young nephew was enchanted with the beauty of the girl, he made preparations for the wedding.当他看到这姑娘的美貌使他的侄子为之倾倒时,便为他们的婚礼做准备。

7.Here he let the Enchanted Horse come to the ground, but he did not at once enter the city.才把马降落在地上,但并没有立刻进城去。

8.He said that he was afraid because these people were not men and women at all, but devils, and that this was an enchanted land.他说他感到恐惧,说这些人都不是人,而是些魔鬼;说这儿是受了魔法蛊惑的地方。

9.I cannot tell you how much your letter depghted (repeved) (amused) (enchanted) me.我无法告诉您,您的来信使我多么高兴(宽慰)(觉得有趣)(陶醉)。

10.But she had been enchanted by the Jewish Montessori, helplessly enchanted, not even minding (truth be told) the ghastly tales of the Door.但是她被那所蒙特梭利幼儿园迷住了,彻彻底底着迷了,根本不在意(实话实话)学校校门的可怕故事。