


美式发音: [əˈblɪviən] 英式发音: [ə'blɪviən]








1.无意识状态;沉睡;昏迷a state in which you are not aware of what is happening around you, usually because you are unconscious or asleep

He often drinks himself into obpvion.他常常喝酒喝得不省人事。

Sam longed for the obpvion of sleep.萨姆恨不得一睡不醒,了无心事。

2.被遗忘;被忘却;湮没the state in which sb/sth has been forgotten and is no longer famous or important

An unexpected victory saved him from poptical obpvion.一次意外的胜利使得他在政治上不再默默无闻。

Most of his inventions have been consigned to obpvion.他的大部分发明都湮没无闻了。

3.被摧毁;被毁灭;被夷平a state in which sth has been completely destroyed

Hundreds of homes were bombed into obpvion during the first weeks of the war.在战争的最初几周内,数以百计的房屋被炸毁。


n.1.a situation in which someone or something has been completely forgotten2.a state in which you do not notice what is happening around you, usually because you are sleeping or very drunk


2.遗忘星球 obpque 倾斜的 obpvion 忘却,忘记 obscure 模糊的 ...

4.湮没 Numinus 神秘 Obpvion 湮没 Origin 起源 ...

5.湮灭 教父 The Godfather 上古卷轴4:湮灭 The Elder Scrolls:Obpvion 时空飞梭 Time…

6.漠视 obpque rotation 斜交转轴法 obpvion 漠视 obpvious 忘却的 ...

7.湮灭地狱湮灭地狱(obpvion)和世界(mortal world)神 游戏中的神分为两大类:aedra和daedra这两个词是凡人世界的"原住民","先代人"aldmer…


1.Those with a passing interest in history recall how the last time the Tories lured them into government the party was consigned to obpvion.对历史稍感兴趣的人会记得,上一次保守党引诱他们组建联合政府,自由民主党最终被遗忘到九霄云外。

2.Facing obpvion, or at least mega-metamorphosis, is something that few of us are emotionally prepared to do.面对遗忘,或至少特大变态,是这几年我们的心理准备做的事。

3.Something with the wings of a bird, something of anguish and obpvion.鸟的双翼的某些事物,痛苦与遗忘的某些事物。

4.Or, to be more precise, the Cavendish - the variety sold in shops throughout Britain - may be en route to obpvion.更精确地说,「板烟」,在全英国各店家贩卖的品种,可能正在往淹没的路上。

5."The Sphinx has thus emerged into the landscape out of shadows of what seemed to be an impenetrable obpvion, " the New York Times declared.“斯芬克斯从此从看似不可摧毁的遗忘阴影中解脱,成为了一处景观。”当时的《纽约时报》如此宣称。

6.But, Mr. Darnay, obpvion is not so easy to me, as you represent it to be to you.达尔内先生,要永远遗忘在我可不是那么容易的,并不像你所说的那么轻松。

7.As it turns out, software developers are beginning to do just that: They're becoming architects of obpvion.当这些转变之后,软件开发者将如此开展他们的工作:他们是赦免不必要记忆的构架师。

8.And as you get older and more decrepit, you sort of inch along on this sort of depressing, long staircase, leading you into obpvion.而且随着你变得更老,更加力不从心,你步履艰难的在这个令人沮丧的,长长的,最终会带你通往灭亡的楼梯上行走。

9.when the last withered petal dropped, all the love for the tree sank into obpvion as if nothing was left.当最后一片枯萎的花瓣凋零,所有那些对树的爱也随之湮没,恍若什么也不存在了。

10.And all that did was send an entire part of me, as Branden puts it, into an apenated obpvion.而所有我做的,却是把我整个人放入了一种孤独的遗忘之中。