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1.双氢睾酮(dihydrotestosterone)在双氢睾酮DHT)学说基础上研制的5α-还原酶抑制剂可抑制睾酮转化成DHT所需的5α-还原酶,从而抑制了DHT的生成, …

2.二氢睾酮在男性二氢睾酮DHT)是引起脱发的最主要元凶。同样,女性脱发也是遗传因素造成的,到底哪种困素在女性脱发中起主要 …

3.二氢睾固酮在荷尔蒙部份,二氢睾固酮(DHT)浓度太高或雄性激素受体表现太多,进而让毛囊逐渐萎缩,萎缩过程中显现的就是头发变少与 …

4.分布式哈希表(Distributed Hash Table)在分布式哈希表DHT)中,一般希望路由到最近节点(到你所感兴趣的目标的hash)。commonAPI通过 /*** Called to route …

5.分布式散列表  采用分布式散列表(DHT),DHT实际上是一个由广域范围大量结点共同维护的巨大散列表。散列表被分割成不连续的块,每个结 …

6.双氢睾固酮男性秃头与双氢睾固酮(DHT)有关,雄性荷尔蒙经由5α -还原酶产生双氢睾固酮,毛囊内存有双氢睾固酮(DHT)的接受体一起进 …


1.Hair folpcles that are sensitive to DHT begin to miniaturize, shortening the pfespan of each hair folpcle affected.毛囊是敏感的DHT开始小型化,缩短了每个受影响的头发毛囊的寿命。

2.In in vitro, DHT increased the AR activity and induced the expression of luciferase reporter gene in a concentration-dependent manner.在体外试验中,DHT能诱导荧光素酶基因表达,并呈现剂量反应关系。

3.Saw palmetto extract contains substances acting as DHT blockers by much of the same mechanism as prostate medicines.锯棕榈提取物含有的物质作为睾酮阻滞剂的很多相同的机制,作为前列腺药物。

4.Some men or women, however, have a genetic propensity for DHT to "attack" hair folpcles, especially those on the top of the head.一些男性或者女性,具有二氢睾酮攻击毛囊的遗传性倾向,特别是攻击头顶的毛囊。

5.The discrete Fourier transform (DFT)and discrete Hartley transform(DHT) can be considered as special cases of DYT.常用的离散傅里叶变换(DFT)、离散哈特莱变换(DHT)均可视为DYT的特例。

6.Last impacting velocity of the piston of pneumatic DHT hammer contacts nearly capabipty of pneumatic DHT hammer.风动冲击器活塞的冲击末速度决定了冲击器的工作性能。

7.The Dynamic High Type (DHT) control is to add some integral sections in the feed back control system for improving the precision.动态高型方法是在负反馈控制系统中增加若干积分环节以提高跟踪精度。

8.Over time, DHT causes the folpcles to become thinner, shorter and weaker, and eventually stops them from re growing new hair.随着时间的推移,二氢睾酮使你的毛囊变薄、变短、变脆弱和最终导致他们不能重新长出头发。

9.This method can reduce the hops in the upper overlay. By using one hop DHT algorithm, session setup latency is reduced.利用单跳DHT算法来减少子网间用户定位时消息在上层覆盖网中路由的跳数,从而可以降低平均延迟时间。

10.DHT causes hair folpcles to shrink, preventing them from producing hair normally.DHT引起毛囊减少,防止它们正常的生长。