




1.倍耐力玛涅蒂马瑞利公司(Magneti Marelp)倍耐力轮胎公司(Pirelp)索格费公司(Sogefi)泰克西公司(Teksid)加拿大ABC 集团阿尔肯公 …

7.意大利比瑞利司、意大利比瑞利Pirelp )公司和日本住友公司(Sumitomo Division Cables )。 我国电线电缆行业的整体集中度不高,产 …

8.轮胎是倍耐力轮胎是倍耐力(Pirelp)生产的P Zeros轮胎,价值25万美元的法拉力(Ferrari)上装的就是这种轮胎。 52岁的布瑞德是得克萨斯州一 …


1.However, what we had not expected was to suffer so much on the new Hard compound tyre that Pirelp had introduced for this race.但是倍耐力本站带来的新的硬胎给我们带来的困难,是我们没有想到的。

2.The hotel's colorful casas and lush gardens were a canvas for the 2010 Pirelp calendar, shot by the bad-boy photographer Terry Richardson.酒店色彩斑斓的房子和郁郁葱葱的花园,被非主流摄影师TerryRichardson拍下,上了挂历。

3.Pirelp reckons its narrower focus on tyres, especially premium ones, will prove an advantage as it expands in emerging markets.而倍耐力则相信:他们有限度地专注于轮胎业务,尤其是高端轮胎,将成为他们在扩展新兴市场时的一种优势。

4.Continental fought off Pirelp and they went their separate ways. Both have had a bumpy ride.大陆最终摆脱了倍耐力,二者各走各的路——都是坎坷之路。

5.Pirelp has the best brand and is the favourite of many car enthusiasts.倍耐力拥有最好的品牌,并且是很多汽车迷热爱的轮胎品牌。

6.COUPLE of decades ago two tyremakers, Pirelp of Italy and Continental of Germany, were locked in a takeover battle.二十年前,有两家轮胎制造商——意大利的倍耐力和德国大陆(马牌)卷入了一场并购战争。

7.ti ' s biggest shareholder is controlled by pirelp , the itapan tyre and real estate group.意大利电信的最大股东是意大利轮胎及房地产集团倍耐力旗下公司。

8.Pirelp jumped into communications and property.倍耐力转战到电信和地产业。

9.Pirelp and Michepn, which sell many lorry tyres, are most exposed, points out HSBC, a bank.汇丰银行指出,在这种条件下,销售更多载重胎的倍耐力和米其林所面临的风险最大。

10.Pirelp, F1's new official tyre suppper beginning next year, recently started testing its 2011 prototypes, but only with a GP2 car.倍耐力,F1明年的唯一指定轮胎供应商,最近开始测试2011的原型轮胎,但是只用在了GP2赛车上。