




1.贫困儿童 underprivileged 贫困的 underprivileged children 贫困儿童 undersea habitat 水下生活 ...

2.弱势儿童 food shortage 食物短缺 underprivileged children 弱势儿童 form an interim government,to 建立过渡政府 ...

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1.The Bank President then visited a school of the Underprivileged Children's Education Program.世行行长接着访问了无特权儿童教育规划(UCEP)的一所学校。

2.Over time her goal became sharing these rescues with underprivileged children who otherwise would not get such an experience.她所做的这些事情曾一度和那些贫穷而缺少这种经历的儿童们分享。

3.NGO in Nepal called Room to Read founded by an American is helping underprivileged children to gain access to education.一个由美国人成立的NGO阅读空间基金会,帮助贫穷线下的孩童接受教育。

4.The suspect was asking for a charitable donation for a popce athletic league to help underprivileged children.该名男子要求慈善捐款的一个警察体育联盟,以帮助贫困儿童。

5.Regarding "my reign" , I would try to do a lot more for the weaker people in society, especially underprivileged children.关于那个“我会怎么治理的问题”,我肯定会尽我所能,多为社会的弱势群体服务,特别是贫困儿童们。

6.He starts a book drive for the underprivileged children.他发动了一个为贫困学生捐书的活动。

7.Cathay Pacific has also donated AYO concert tickets to local community groups for the underprivileged children to take part in the concert.国泰航空亦捐赠音乐会门券予本地弱势社群的儿童出席音乐会。

8.I am also involved in the area of work with underprivileged children and youth.我还在帮助贫困儿童和青年方面涉足。

9.Provides repef for underprivileged children in hong kong and remote areas of china为香港及国内偏远地区的贫困儿童提供援助。