


美式发音: [dʒəˈreɪniəm] 英式发音: 






1.天竺葵;老鹳草a garden plant with a mass of red, pink or white flowers on the end of each stem


n.1.[Plant]a garden plant with soft round leaves and bright flowers that are usually pink, red, or white2.a red color tinged with orange, pke that of a scarlet geranium

1.天竺葵 牻牛儿苗科 Geraniaceae ②老鹳草属 Geranium ③高柱花属 Hypseocharis ...

3.天竺葵精油 名称:薰衣草精油 Lavender 名称:天竺葵精油 Geranium 名称:薄荷精油 Pepper…

4.原色红 Garnet 暗红 Geranium 原色红 Gold 金 ...

5.大竺葵 sunflower 向日葵 geranium 大竺葵 morning-glory 牵牛花 ...

6.红色天竺葵 时钟草( Passion Flower) 红色天竺葵( Geranium) 水蔓草( Honey Suckle) ...

7.老鹳草味 6月26日 美丽的誓言 白色紫丁香( Lilac) 6月29日 幸福 黄色天竺葵Geranium) 7月3日 遗忘 白罂粟( …


1.TLC was used in quaptative identification of total tannin of Geranium granules, -and EDTA titration was used for assay of total tannin.结果:定性鉴别证明,老鹳草颗粒剂含有鞣质,总鞣质的含量为13。

2.Common essential oils used for aromatherapy include chamomile, geranium, lavender, tea tree, lemon, cedarwood and bergamot.常见的精油芳香疗法包括使用洋甘菊,天竺葵,薰衣草,茶树,柠檬,雪松木及佛手柑。

3.He saw an old man holding a hose over some geranium plants, and his thirst sent him to the man.他看见一位老人拿著水管浇天筑葵,觉得口渴,于是就走上前去。

4.The colour, of a geranium, therefore, is said to be more intense, more highly saturated with pure orange-red than is mahogany.因此,天竺葵中的纯净桔红色比红木的色彩更浓,饱和度更高。

5.Objective: To perform the quaptative analysis of, and determine the total tannin content in geranium granules.前言:目的:对老鹳草颗粒荆中的有效成分总鞣质进行定性分析及含量测定。

6.But many populations are also affected by an invasive geranium from the Mediterranean which is out-competing the butterfly's host plant.但是一种源自地中海的入侵物种天竺葵与它们的主食植物之间的竞争对大部分种群数量造成了影响。

7.rose originated from france and mysterious geranium has come a long way to reach you , only for weaving a long lasting tie with you.原产法国的玫瑰花和神秘的天竺葵不远万里来到你身边,就是为了和你结下不解情缘。

8.an upright geranium having scalloped leaves with a broad color zone inside the margin and white or pink or red flowers.直立天竺葵,扇形叶,叶缘内有略宽的彩带,白色、粉色或红色花。

9.Pure essential oils Rose Blossoms, Rose Geranium and Rosewood Oil are all said to be helpful for aging skin.除了玫瑰天竺葵,还有玫瑰,花梨木,都是有助于老化肌肤保养的。

10.Mary had a big red geranium in bloom for Christmas, and a row of Jerusalem cherry trees, full of berries.玛丽在圣诞节开花大红色天竺葵,以及耶路撒冷的樱花树行,充分的浆果。