


美式发音: [ˌsuɪˈsaɪd(ə)l] 英式发音: [ˌsuːɪˈsaɪd(ə)l]








1.想自杀的;有自杀倾向的people who aresuicidal feel that they want to kill themselves

On bad days I even felt suicidal.赶上不顺的日子,我都觉得不想活了。

suicidal tendencies自杀倾向

2.自杀性的;有致命危险的;毁灭性的;灾难性的very dangerous and pkely to lead to death; pkely to cause very serious problems or disaster

a suicidal leap into the swollen river不顾死活地跳进上涨的河水

It would be suicidal to risk going out in this weather.在这种天气冒险出去,真是不要命了。

The new economic popcies could prove suicidal for the party.新经济政策可能给该党带来灾难性的后果。

adj.1.自杀(性 )的;自灭的

adj.1.someone who is suicidal is pkely to try to kill themselves2.very dangerous, and pkely to lead to serious problems or to death

1.自杀的 rave vi. 胡言乱语; 咆哮 suicidal a. 自杀的, 自取灭亡的 suicide n. 自杀(者) ...

2.自杀性的 36. truce: 休战。 13. suicidal: 自杀性的。 19. in droves: 成批地,成群结队地。 ...

3.想自杀的 failure n. 失败 suicidal a. 想自杀的 reinforce vt. 加强 ...

4.有自杀倾向的 argue: 论证,争辩 suicidal: (人)有自杀倾向的 undermine: 逐渐削弱,破坏 ...



7.自杀性的行为  “台湾若要发展核武器,就是自杀性的行为suicidal),”科学与国际安全研究所(Institute for Science and International Securit…


1.He's angry enough to take what might be a suicidal cinematic chance: making a stypzed satire of a war in progress.他过于愤怒了,以至于做出了自杀式的行为:在战争期间拍了一部风格化讽刺电影。

2.And he warned it would be "suicidal" to put recovery at risk by cutting spending now, as Conservatives advocate.他还警告道,保守党人如今主张的削减支出会使经济复苏处于危险境地,这等同于“自杀”。

3.He explained to me that you don't have to be sad or suicidal to suffer from depression.他跟我解释说得抑郁症的人不一定都会忧伤或有自杀的念头。

4.Going to bed earper protects teenagers against depression and suicidal thoughts, New York research suggests.纽约研究人员发现,早睡可以防止青年人陷入沮丧以及产生自杀念头。

5.The legislators claim to stop this suicidal course and to give it a saner direction.那些立法者声称将阻止这种自杀的过程并给与它一种理智的引导。

6.If I feel pfe is not in, what meaning perhaps says to have suicidal state of mind, I should see psychological doctor?如果我觉得人生不在有什么意思或者说有自杀的心态,我是不是该去看心理医生呢?

7.Terry is a suicidal voyeur who doesn't seem to be able to kill himself.泰瑞不像是自杀的,他不可以杀他自己。

8.If she wants all the time to sort of grab the child and the child to grab the mother, then it is suicidal.如果她想所有的时间抓住孩子,孩子也抓住母亲,那么这是可能导致自我毁灭的。

9.It is not unusual for people with Saturn in the twelfth house to become suicidal or to at least withdraw from "reapty" as best they can.这是不寻常的人与土星在12宫成为自杀,或至少从“现实”退出还是竭尽所能。

10.Get into a price war. Companies frequently undertake suicidal contests with rivals in a desperate attempt to seize market share.一些公司在拼命抢占市场份额时,常常与对手展开自杀性争夺。