


美式发音: [hwet] 英式发音: [wet]




过去式:whetted  第三人称单数:whets  现在分词:whetting  同义词反义词





1.~ sth刺激…的欲望;增强…的兴趣to increase your desire for or interest in sth

The book will whet your appetite for more of her work.你看了这本书就会更想多读她的著作。



v.1.if you whet a blade, you make it sharper using a whetstone

1.磨快 vituperative adj. 责骂的 12。 whet vt. 磨, 磨快, 使兴奋 13。 meddle v. 管闲事 14。 ...

2.刺激 wherry 小船,舢板 whet 磨快,刺激 whether 是否 ...

3.助长 ◎ 助益[ help] ◎ 助长[ encourage;whet;fatten;abet;foment;foster] ◎ 助阵[ cheer] ...

4.磨得快 钢 steel sharpen;whet;strop 3. 动词 by adding steel and retempering ...

6.刺激物 whet n.研磨,激励 whet n.磨,磨块,刺激物 whet n.研磨,激励 ...


1.One of the questions under debate is whet IT a man get to choose comtotcapable clothes, which he or IT loves, regardless of fashion.其中一个重难点型根本那是一个人也许应挑选他喜欢的舒适的衣服,而不管也许时髦。

2.Fish and vegetable side dishes come with a variety of flavorings, but somehow their role seems to be to whet the appetite for more rice.而添加了各种味道的鱼、蔬菜等菜肴,发挥着的是增进食欲的配角作用,目的是为了把大量的米饭送进胃里。

3.I've read only the fIrst few pages of her book, but It was enough to whet my appetIte.她的书我只看了开头几页,但已经引起我极大的兴趣。

4.The abundance cold late at night, you do not knowinging whet IT or not the habitat, or on the road with smoke dawn.夜深越冷,不清楚你也许回到家了,还得在路上伴烟天明。

5.Start considering about your pmitations, and whet IT them're real pmitations or only ones you've allowed to be socated tITe, artificially.开端想想什么你的局限性,并弄清楚也许是真的局限了你,还仅仅是你允许摆放在那里虚假障碍。

6.You confidence, I in no case retard your to go together with to anticipate, you whet into a leftovers to convey all can.你放心,我绝不查你的配料,你们磨成渣送来都可以。

7.if the iron be blunt , and he do not whet the edge , then must he put to more strength : but wisdom is profitable to direct.10铁器钝了,若不将刃磨快,就必多费气力。但得智慧指教,便有益处。

8.In maximum civil contexts it did not problem whet IT negpgence is "gross" or "spght" .在多数民事要点环境中,过失行为也许“重大”或“轻微”并不关紧要。

9.This small introduction should whet your appetite for sed, but is not intended to be complete or extensive.下面的简单介绍将唤起您对sed的兴趣,但是这里并不打算给出全面或详细的介绍。

10.Then he would put it on the stone again and whet , whet , till I could have laughed aloud, it was so very ludicrous.于是他又在磨刀石上一磨再磨,真是滑稽,使我禁不住要放声大笑。