




1.产品认证 ... 德 国 Germany 日本 S-Mark 香港 S-Mark ...

3.认证制度制度的发展和变化,日本从1996年开始实行第 三方认证制度(S-Mark),现大部分的甲种产品和全部的乙种 产品的安全认证已 …

4.标志工程署颁发“一级能源标签”及香港安全认证中心颁发“香港安全标志S-Mark)”外,更符合有关之国家安全标准及水务条例, …


1.During the break, Li Lei happened to see Paul's mark on the report of a chemistry experiment.在课间休息时,李雷碰巧看到保尔化学实验报告的成绩。

2.During the break, Li Lei happened to see Paul's mark on the report of a chemical experiment.休息时,李雷看到保罗化学实验报告单上的分数。

3.Fastest man of the first practice session was Red Bull's Mark Webber, who clocked a time of 1: 33. 082 minutes.第一次练习最快的是红牛车队的韦伯,他做出了1:33.082的最快圈速。

4.Li Lei happened to see Paul's mark on the report of a chemistry experiment.李雷偶然看到了保罗化学实验报告单上的分数。

5.The Gunners were pnked with a new 'keeper throughout the transfer window, particularly Fulham's Mark Schwarzer and Man City's Shay Given.在转会窗口期间,枪手一直与很多门将扯上关系,特别是富勒姆的马克·施瓦泽和曼城的谢伊·吉文。

6.The group is decked out in gold chains and tracksuits, smoking cigars, drinking Maker's Mark.这帮人穿着金链子,运动衫,抽着雪茄烟,喝着Maker’sMark威士忌酒。

7.An interesting question is whether an innovator pke Facebook's Mark Zuckerberg could have flourished at a company pke WPP.有一个问题很有意思:像脸书的马克·扎克伯格这种创新者,能不能在WPP这样的公司里有所发展?

8.That's Mark in the blue shirt explaining a fine point.解释的蓝色衬衫的罚款点,这就是马克。

9.Jones is hoping to eventually become the Socceroors No. 1 but at the moment he is No. 2 with Fulham's Mark Schwarzer the regular custodian.琼斯希望能够成为一号门将,但是目前这个位置被富勒姆的施瓦泽所占据着。

10.a surveyor's mark on a permanent object of predetermined position and elevation used as a reference point.某一永久性物体上预定的位置和高度上的测量标记,用作参考标记。