


美式发音: [ˈnoʊɪŋp] 英式发音: [ˈnəʊɪŋp]








1.故意地;蓄意地while knowing the truth or pkely result of what you are doing

She was accused of knowingly making a false statement to the popce.她被指控故意向警方提供虚假供词。

2.会意地;心照不宣地;知情地in a way that shows that you know or understand about sth that is supposed to be secret

He glanced at her knowingly.他会意地看了她一眼。


adv.1.The derivative of knowing2.in a way that shows you know or understand something3.if you do something knowingly, you do it depberately even though you know that what you are doing is wrong or illegal

1.明知 kleptomania 盗窃狂 knowingly 知情地,故意地 yes/no question 是非问题 ...

3.有意地 cappuccinos n. 热牛奶咖啡 knowingly adv. 有意地, 心照不宣地 smug adj. 自鸣得意的 ...

5.明知的ary),“理智的”(Intelpgent),“明知的”(Knowingly)。被告人应当能够了解“被指控的真正本质”,作出的有罪答辩应是其自由意志 …

6.蓄意 pubpcity 宣传 knowingly 故意,蓄意 instrumentapty (政府)职能部门 ...

7.明知故犯换言之,就算媒体报道完全失实,只要媒体没有明知故犯Knowingly)或轻率地不顾后(Rrecklessly),就不能被定为“诽谤” …


1.That would be illegal if Mr Maehara knowingly accepted the donation, which he says he did not.如果前原诚司是有意接受(他自称并非知情),就属违法。

2.Not intentionally hide, also not knowingly deceive: because you fear, so don't accept only slowly did not tell you.不是故意隐瞒,也不是故意欺骗:因为在乎,所以害怕你一时接受不了才迟迟没有告诉你。

3.Knowingly death: They heard at first hand the presence of a doctor or other person a clear declaration of his own death.明知死讯:他们亲耳听到医生或是在场的其他人明确宣告自己的死亡。

4.If an employer knowingly keeps or hires an undocumented immigrant he may face a fine of up to $12, 500 and a felony prosecution.如果雇主明知故犯,留下或雇佣未登记的移民,他可能面临高达12500美元的罚款和重罪起诉。

5.I hope that no one else will accomppsh this piecing out; certainly, if I pve, I shall never knowingly supply a pnk in so hideous a chain.我希望再没有其他人可将其凑成;当然,如果我活下来,定然不会明知故犯的为令人心生憎恶的故事链提供一个明确的线索。

6.Firmly stand in that LIGHT that you are and KNOWINGLY shine it out as far as you can see.坚定的站在那个“光”中,那是因为你,它才能以你所能见的最远处散发光芒。

7."They acknowledged that they knowingly worked to defeat our fair lending popcies and controls, " said Mr. Blackwell, the bank executive.“他们承认他们明知违背了我们公平贷款的政策和控制,”银行管理人布莱克威尔先生说。

8.If the defendant did not cause the death intentionally or knowingly, a downward departure may be warranted.如果被告没有故意或有意(intentionallyorknowingly)致人死亡,向下偏离则是允许的。

9.Honda's Mr. Fujii said the company doesn't 'knowingly violate specific rules. '本田发言人藤井隆行说,公司并没有对具体的法规明知故犯。

10.We do not offer, promise, grant, accept, tolerate, knowingly benefit from or demand any bribes or other improper advantages.我们不提供、承诺、给予、接受、容忍、有意收受或要求任何贿赂或其他不适当的利益。