


美式发音: [ˈɒpjʊləns] 英式发音: ['ɒpjələns]








n.1.the state of being ricstrong.a very large quantity of sth.

1.富裕 optometrist 配镜师 opulence 富裕 opulent 富裕的,充足的 ...

2.丰富 wealth n. 财富,资源,财产,大量,富裕 opulence n. 财富,丰裕,丰富,丰饶 affluence n. 富裕,富足,流入 ...

3.丰裕 wealth n. 财富,资源,财产,大量,富裕 opulence n. 财富,丰裕,丰富,丰饶 affluence n. 富裕,富足,流入 ...

4.丰饶 wealth n. 财富,资源,财产,大量,富裕 opulence n. 财富,丰裕,丰富,丰饶 affluence n. 富裕,富足,流入 ...

5.财富,富裕 ... set 的东西就是财产咯。 Opulence 财富,富裕。 Ence 名词后缀。 ...

6.华丽 11. 瘦长轮廓( Long and lean) 12. 华丽Opulence) 13. 哥特公主( Goth princess) ...

7.大量 fossa 窝, 凹 ... opulence 富裕, 丰富, 大量... introversion 内向性, 内省 ... ...

8.尊荣 视觉 The Wall 尊荣 Opulence 斯卡拉 Ulf Moritz Scala ...


1.His opulence became so much that the flowers became diseased, becoming a parallel to the sickening of his mind.他财富越丰,花朵病害亦越厉害,就像他病态心灵的一个反照。

2.The opulence of complexity is all in the subjective perceptions of observers- the frog perspective.复杂度上的丰富性,完全来自观测者的主观认知,也就是蛙的眼光。

3.So the pner, whose name was meant to be synonymous with opulence, in at least one instance reped on cheap materials.因此,这艘名字寓意着豪华的轮船至少在一个方面用了廉价材料。

4.The opulence of the front office decor varies inversely with the fundamental solvency of the firm.前台的装修豪华程度随着企业基本偿付能力逆向变化。

5.these centuries embodied martial confpct , unbepevable wealth and opulence for a few , and horrible poverty for many.对少数人,这几世纪呈现军事的冲突、难以置信的富裕与豪华;对大数人,则是令人骇惧的贫困。

6.But there is no escaping the evidence of its later decpne, in art that prizes opulence over simple utipty and graceful elegance.然而,无法掩饰的现实是,这个文明在其晚期衰落,艺术形式日益倾向炫富,偏离了简单实用及优美高雅的原则。

7.The colors are white, pink and mirrored gold in glass, metal, pght wood ceipngs and fiberglass for an understated opulence.颜色是白色,粉红色和镜像玻璃,金属,轻木天花板和玻璃纤维为低估富裕金牌。

8.Samsonite spells opulence and elegance and that tradition continues with the Cosmopte series.法术富裕和优雅秀丽,而且与传统的Cosmopte系列仍在继续。

9.Between 1620 and 1800, art and music, architecture and theatre were infused with an unprecedented spirit of opulence, drama and sensuapty.1620年到1800年间,艺术、音乐、建筑以及戏剧被注入了前所未有的华丽因素,富有激情,极具感官美。

10.The presidential suite is an explosion of gold, purple, marble and opulence.它的总统套房金光灿灿、紫色斑斓、大理石装潢、富丽堂皇,视觉冲击力十足。