


美式发音: ['fænbɔi] 英式发音: ['fænbɔi]





1.迷(尤指痴迷某种音乐、软件等的男孩或年轻男子)a person, especially a boy or young man, who is extremely interested in sth such as a particular type of music or software

a Nintendo fanboy任天堂电玩迷

Linux fanboysLinux 操作系统迷


3.铁杆粉丝 ... 屍体解剖 - Autopsy 星际大战粉丝男孩 - Fanboy 突变活屍 - Autumn ...

5.玩家 ... #2:The Martyr#2: 烈士 #3:Fanboy#3: 玩家 #4:Vince Neil#4: 文斯 内尔(一个比较有名的摇滚歌手) ...

6.同人狼 ... Fangirl: 同人女 Fanboy: 同人狼 Fandom: 同人团体 ...

7.狂热的男孩烟熏室五》(Smoke House Five)、《狂热的男孩》(Fanboy)、《超级恶巫》(Boogeyman)、《马格诺》(Magnor) …


1.You know, for as comppcated as economy can be, The Economist seems to be a excessive China fanboy.你知道,经济问题纷繁复杂,《经济学人》似乎对中国格外着迷。

2.The other major fanboy expectation was that, finally, Apple would enter (and, natch, dominate) the thriving netbook market.其他主要的苹果狂热粉丝的期望是这样的,最终,苹果能够进军(当然更要独占)繁荣的上网本市场。

3.I have to admit I'm a bit of a Google fanboy (in addition to being an Apple fanboy).我得承认,我是个谷歌迷(外加苹果迷)。

4.Our own resident Apple fanboy MG Siegler, who loves all gadgets as long as they are made by Apple, would be perfect for this.这个网站对于一些像MGSiegler这样的苹果铁杆粉丝来说将是完美之选,他们喜欢苹果制造的一切新鲜玩意。

5.And fanboy hindsight on Spider-Man 3 seems to grow dimmer as time passes.在《蜘蛛侠3》放映后,随着时间的推移,疯狂影迷们似乎变得更迟钝了。

6.MG might be the most loyal Apple Fanboy in the world, but his review of the EVO was dead on.MG也许算是世界上最忠实的苹果范了,不过他对于EVO的评测相当中肯。

7.I, personally, . . . am an apple fanboy, and that's OK. That's not a bad thing!我,自己…也是一个苹果迷,这个不要紧,并不是件坏事情!

8.Because of what I have written on here about Sony I have been accused many times of being a Nintendo or a Microsoft fanboy.因为我写的这些文字我已经好多次被指责为任天堂或者是微软的枪手了。

9.I know that sounds pke just about the biggest fanboy thing to say. . . well, ever. But am I wrong?我知道这听起来就像是一个苹果的超级粉丝说的话,好吧,但是我错了么?

10.As indicated by the wan showings of Kick-Ass and Scott Pilgrim vs. the World last year, the fanboy impact may be as thin as it is deep.作为世界上最后一年表示驴由湾看房的揭幕和斯科特朝圣者的对比中,变形金刚迷的影响可能是薄,因为它是深刻的。