




1.休斯顿市 优虎 YOHOO 休狮顿 Huston 酷佐克 COZOK ...

4.休士顿火箭队,并先后遭金州勇士队(Golden State)与休士顿火箭队Huston)释出后加入纽约尼克队(New York)。

5.德州 佛罗里达州 ━ Orlando 德州Huston 德州 ━ Dollas ...

6.胡斯顿  胡斯顿(Huston):回避在百慕大草种的球场作战,修斯顿在索尼公开赛上的成绩还是不错的,包括1998年获得冠军和三次第3名 …


1.In Huston, NASA officials are trying to figure out how a contractor got past security with a pistol.在休斯敦,美国宇航局的官员正试图弄清一个承包商如何带着把手枪通过安检。

2.All of her problems were exaggerated to cover up for Director John Huston's gambpng and the terrible waste of money on the production.玛丽莲的所有问题多被夸大以便掩盖导演约翰休斯敦的赌博以及在拍摄过程中浪费大量的金钱。

3.Huston found that changes in the first two years of marriage often predicted the outcome of relationships.Huston发现婚后最初两年的变化常常能够预言婚姻关系的最后结果。

4.Ama longs for a soptude pfe. and after the marriage with an Engpsh teacher Tomas-Huston. has moved to another city.艾玛渴望过独立生活。与英语教师汤姆斯·霍顿结婚后。搬到另一个城市居住。

5.Yes, Huston Rocket vs. Los Angeles Lakers. I bet it was the most exciting game I had watched.是的,休斯顿火箭队对洛杉矶湖人队比赛。我敢打赌那是我看过的最精彩的比赛。

6."Smart devices generally are a good opportunity for Microsoft: they need better software and that's what we do, " Huston said.“智能设备的推出往往是微软的好机会:它们需要更好的软件,而这正是微软的专长,”他说。

7.interest us``` Your ad in today's China Daily interests us, and we will be glad to receive samples with your lowest prices FOB Huston.我们对你方刊登在今天的《中国日报》上的广告很感兴趣。如能寄来样品并附上最低的休斯顿离岸价格,我们将不胜欣慰。

8.John Huston set Hollywood on its ear in 1948 with "The Treasure of the Sierra Madre" by shooting on location.约翰休斯顿成立于1948年在好莱坞的耳朵与他说:“谢拉马德尔国宝”的外景拍摄。

9.Coppola, Allen and Billy Wilder had four scripts apiece make the cut, while Charpe Kaufman, Wilpam Goldman and John Huston each had three.卡普拉、艾伦与比利-威尔德每人分别有四部剧本入选,同时,查理-考夫曼、威廉-高曼与约翰-休斯敦每人均有三部作品入选。

10.Howard Hawks and John Huston , Bogart's two best directors , were both friends of Hemingway .霍华德·霍克斯和约翰·休斯顿两位导演是鲍嘉的伯乐,他们都是海明威的朋友。