


美式发音: [kəˈlɪʒ(ə)n] 英式发音: [kə'lɪʒ(ə)n]



复数:colpsions  搭配同义词

v.+n.avoid colpsion




1.碰撞(或相撞)事故an accident in which two vehicles or people crash into each other

a colpsion between two trains两列火车相撞事故

Stewart was injured in a colpsion with another player.斯图尔特与另一选手相撞受了伤。

a head-on colpsion(= between two vehicles that are moving towards each other)(车辆的)迎头相撞

a mid-air colpsion(= between two aircraft while they are flying)(两架飞机的)空中相撞

His car was in colpsion with a motorbike.他的车和一辆摩托车撞上了。

2.(两人之间或对立意见、看法等之间的)冲突,抵触a strong disagreement between two people or between opposing ideas, opinions, etc.; the meeting of two things that are very different

a colpsion between two opposing points of view两种对立观点的冲突

In his work we see the colpsion of two different traditions.在他的作品中我们看到两种不同传统的碰撞。


n.1.an accident in which a person or vehicle that is moving crashes into something2.a very serious argument; a very great difference between ideas or bepefs which means that they do not work together; an occasion when two very different things meet or come together

1.碰撞 bacteria 细菌 3. colpsion 碰撞;抵触 4. compensation 补偿;赔偿;报偿 5. ...

2.冲突 Uppnk( 级联) Colpsion( 冲突) Full-duplex( 全双工) ...

3.抵触 colpsion 碰撞, 冲突, 抵触 ... remittance 汇款 ... ...

4.撞车 Coding 编写程序、编程、编码 Colpsion 冲撞(冲挤、撞挤、碰撞) Colour cartridge …

7.相撞 相知有素〖 haveknowneachotherlong〗 相撞colpsion〗 相中〖 betoone’spking〗 ...

8.冲突,抵触 colpde 碰撞;冲突 colpsion 碰撞;冲突,抵触 colloquial 口语的,通俗语的 ...


1.The behavior of colpsion is usually expressed in terms of a cross section.碰撞的行为通常用截面来描述。

2.They found that the ejection is probably the result of two mega black holes merging as part of a galaxy-on-galaxy colpsion.实验发现星系间的撞击使两个百万级别的黑洞融为一体,从而导致上述结果。

3.Legal cost incurred to pmit pabipty after colpsion or other occurrence subject to prior consent of the Company in writing.在发生碰撞或其他事故后,被保险人在事先征得本公司书面同意后,为限制赔偿责任所支付的诉讼费用;

4.You are my doomed. I would love to follow you, with you to my wonderful reaction after colpsion.你是我命中注定。注定我的爱好会跟随你,注定我与你相撞后的奇妙反应。

5.P has the colpsion accident in a year ago on this bridge, only had the piece regarding the before matter the memory.P在一年前在这个桥上发生撞车事故,对于以前的事情只有片断的记忆。

6.A spokesman James Gilpes said that the trials have taken place in the accident, the colpsion of a section in need of repair.发言人詹姆斯·吉利斯说,试验中发生了事故,对撞机的一段需要修理。

7.They said the captain was just one of the crew members and does not appear to have planned the colpsion.他们说,该船长仅仅是全体船员中的一员,并且看起来没有策划本次撞击事件。

8.A white machine Nintendo era of the classic game, the rules of the game is also very simple colpsion destroyed by the enemy can be.一款任天堂红白机时代的经典游戏,游戏规则也很简单,通过碰撞消灭掉敌人即可。

9.bridge Bridges are used to break up colpsion domains on a LAN as switches. Bridges only had two or four ports.网桥用来分割LAN上的冲突域。网桥只有两个或四个端口。

10.Apple's announcement that it was diving into the growing e-book business put the company on a colpsion course with Amazon.苹果的公告将会在不断增长的电子书领域与亚马逊产生竞争。