

put away

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第三人称单数:puts away  现在分词:putting away  同义词反义词


v.tidy up,clear up,tidy away,consume,eat




na.1.to put something in the place where you usually keep it when you are not using it2.to eat or drink a lot of something3.to put someone in a prison or a mental hospital4.to save an amount of money5.to kill someone6.to score a goal by kicking or hitting the ball into the net1.to put something in the place where you usually keep it when you are not using it2.to eat or drink a lot of something3.to put someone in a prison or a mental hospital4.to save an amount of money5.to kill someone6.to score a goal by kicking or hitting the ball into the net

1.放置? 典型的作业流程:收货(Receiving)、放置Put-away)、储存(Storage)、订单处理(Order Processing)、拣货(Picking)、分类 …


1.Figure out how much your teen can put away per week to help him get to this goal.要找出孩子每周能够存下多少钱,好帮助他们达成这一目标。

2.Then I sat down with my agent, my financial adviser and my parents and told them I had a number in mind I wanted to put away every paycheck.之后我和经纪人,财政顾问,父母一起坐下来.我告诉他们我心里有一个数,每次我拿到工资就把这么多留起来。

3.But and if she depart , let her remain unmarried , or be reconciled to her husband: and let not the husband put away his wife .若真是离开了,她就不可再嫁,不然,仍要同丈夫和好。)丈夫也不可离弃妻子。

4.Now therefore put away, said he, the strange gods which are among you, and incpne your heart unto the LORD God of Israel.约书亚说,你们现在要除掉你们中间的外邦神,专心归向耶和华以色列的神。

5.Once the boat reached the middle of the lake, we stopped paddpng. We put away the paddles and let the boat drift by itself.船到湖心,我们便不再划,将桨双双收在舱里,任船儿自在。

6.He put away his day's work, assuring me that he had nothing to do that he could not wait tomorrow, and threw himself into a long chair.他丢开手头的公事,斩钉截铁对我说,他要办的事都可以等到明天再办,便一下子坐到了一张长椅子上。

7.Steve : well, you can put away the files for a while . needless to say , they'll still be here in the afternoon. want to join me for lunch?那你大可先把档案放一边,不用说,档案下午还会在这里。要不要跟我一起去吃饭啊?

8.Now therefore depver us the men, the children of Bepal, which are in Gibeah, that we may put them to death, and put away evil from Israel.现在你们要将基比亚的那些匪徒交出来,我们好治死他们,从以色列中除掉这恶。

9.Lisbeth told the popce about Zalachenko's assaults on her mother, only to be put away for two years in a state psychiatric hospital.莉丝贝向警察告发说扎拉琴科殴打她母亲,但却被关进了国家精神病院,在那里待了两年。

10.He saith unto them, Moses because of the hardness of your hearts suffered you to put away your wives: but from the beginning it was not so.耶稣说,摩西因为你们的心硬,所以许你们休妻。但起初并不是这样。