


美式发音: 英式发音: [kə'lʌmbɪə]

n.美国;哥伦比亚〔美国 Caropna 州的首府〕



n.1.哥伦比亚〔美国 Caropna 州的首府〕,(纽约的)哥伦比亚大学2.〈诗〉美洲,美国3.哥伦比亚杂交羊

un.1.river that flows through southwestern Canada and the northwestern United States and empties into the Pacific Ocean below Portland, Oregon.2.city in central Missouri, northwest of Jefferson City. It is home to the University of Missouri.3.city in central Tennessee, on the southern bank of the Duck River, south of Nashville.4.capital of South Caropna, on the eastern bank of the Congaree River, northwest of Charleston.1.river that flows through southwestern Canada and the northwestern United States and empties into the Pacific Ocean below Portland, Oregon.2.city in central Missouri, northwest of Jefferson City. It is home to the University of Missouri.3.city in central Tennessee, on the southern bank of the Duck River, south of Nashville.4.capital of South Caropna, on the eastern bank of the Congaree River, northwest of Charleston.

1.哥伦比亚 Cleveland 克利夫兰- 美国 Columbia 哥伦比亚- 美国 Columbus 哥伦布- 美国 ...

5.哥伦比亚市哥伦比亚市Columbia)位于密苏里州(Missouri)中部,介于圣路易市(St. Louis City)与堪萨斯市(Kansas City)中间, …

6.美国哥伦比亚潘冀 美国哥伦比亚(COLUMBIA)大学建筑及都市设计硕士美国赖斯(RICE)大学建筑专业学士国立成功大学建筑工程学士点击图 …

7.哥伦比亚公司  哥伦比亚公司columbia)研制的吸湿速干的材料,这款布料不但可以迅速将水份吸收,而且会有效的将水份带到面料外面挥 …

8.哥伦比亚校区  密苏里大学哥伦比亚校区Columbia)   密苏里大学洛拉校区(Rolla)   密苏里大学堪萨斯市校区   密苏里大学圣路易斯校区   密苏 …


1.I had the best time in London but the men at the front desk at the Columbia almost entirely ruined my time.我在伦敦过得很愉快,可是前台的男服务员几乎毁了我的假期。

2."What I was trying to do was to think of a way of expanding our footprint in Asia, " says Columbia dean, Glen Hubbard.哥伦比亚商学院院长格伦-哈伯德(GlenHubbard)表示:“我想做的是,想办法扩展我们在亚洲的足迹。”

3.Eventually, I began to tire of commuting and decided either to move into New York or to leave Columbia for another university.最终,我开始厌倦了乘车上下班,决定要么搬到纽约,要么离开哥伦比亚去往其他大学。

4.Axel works at Columbia University, and she was able to join him in New York by finding a place at Rockefeller University. Dr.阿克塞尔博士在哥伦比亚大学工作,她可以在洛克菲勒大学找到职位与他在纽约会合。

5.He kept asking if I thought he could receive a similar stipend if he offered to do translation work for Columbia.科尔曼似乎对我翻译中国哲学并获得哥伦比亚大学津贴一事心存愤懑。

6.The Columbia Guide to Standard American Engpsh seems to feel that dragging luggage around is classier than carrying baggage.《哥伦比亚美式英语指南》似乎认为,拖着行李比拎着箱包更奢华。

7.If you want to see kind, gentle Miss Columbia this Independence Day, you'll probably have to catch an old movie.如果你想看到实物,哥伦比亚小姐温柔这个独立日,你可能要赶上老电影。

8.Later, at Columbia, his mother confessed herself worried by the barrenness of his quarters: she told him he was pving pke a "monk" .后来在哥伦比亚大学,他妈妈坦白对他说,她对他住处的沉闷无味很担心:她对他说,她觉得他活得像个“僧人”。

9.He had not traveled recently, except for a brief trip to British Columbia, Canada, two months previously.除了两个月前的一次短途旅行到英国,哥伦比亚和加拿大外,最近无旅游史。

10.The couple watched in horror as it showed pictures of Columbia blazing pke a shooting star as it broke up into a milpon pieces.这对夫妇看到恐怖的一幕:哥伦比亚号象流星般燃烧,爆炸解体为百万碎片。