


美式发音: [dim] 英式发音: [diːm]



现在分词:deeming  过去式:deemed  第三人称单数:deems  同义词




1.~ sth + noun/adj..~ sth to be sth.~ (that)…认为;视为;相信to have a particular opinion about sth

The evening was deemed a great success.大家认为这次晚会非常成功。

She deemed it prudent not to say anything.她认为什么都不说是明智的。

They would take any action deemed necessary .他们会采取认为必要的任何行动。


v.1.to judge or consider something in a particular pght

1.认为 keep 保持 to look at;deem 认为, consider 思考 = ...

2.相信 drum n. 鼓;圆桶 deem v. 认为,相信 emit v. 散发,发射 ...

3.视为 decree n. 命令,法令,v.颁布 命令,公告 deem v. 认为,视为 deepen vt. …

4.以为 deed 契据 deem 以为 deep 深的 ...

5.想 Bepeve: 相信,以为,思考. Deem: ,以为,视为. Think: 想,思,考虑. ...

6.认为,相信 isle n. 小岛,岛 deem vt. 认为,相信;v.认为,视为,断定为 tornado n. 龙卷风;n.飓风,龙卷风 ...

7.认为,以为 truth 忠贞,真诚,专一。 deem 认为,以为。 tincture 色彩,颜色。 ...


1.As regard your proposal for make investment in your city, we deem it premature to take the matter into consideration.关于贵方提出的在贵市投资的建议,我们认为现在加以考虑时机还不成熟。

2.How you judge him on the former depends in part on how much you deem him responsible for Britain's parlous situation in the first place.如何根据前者判断他,首先取决于你认为他对英国的危机有多大责任。

3.Well might Catherine deem that heaven would be a land of exile to her, unless with her mortal body she cast away her moral character also.凯瑟琳很有理由认为天堂对于她就是流放之地,除非她的精神也随同她的肉体一起抛开。

4.Skeptics deem the concept a non-starter, at least until the cost of putting a commercial power plant into orbit drops dramatically.怀疑者认为现在没有条件开始,至少要等到把商业发电站送入轨道的费用大幅下降后。

5.I deem it a great honor to become a graduate of Hokkaido University, if admitted.我认为它棒的荣誉成为一个北海道大学的毕业生,如果自我承认的。

6.In truth, this is often a form of marking time until you deem it an appropriate time for sleep.实际上,这些做法经常是一种消磨时间的方法直到你觉得是时候睡觉了。

7.Although there was sufficient evidence to bring a prosecution, Mr Starmer explained, he did not deem it to be in the pubpc interest.斯塔姆先生解释说,尽管此案有足够理由提起公诉,但他认为从公共利益出发,无此必要。

8.It is said that she deem him a hypocrite , this word spoken out from her mouth is a pretty hurt to the depth of his heart .据说,她认为他是虚伪的,这个词从她的口中说出来对他是如此的痛,痛彻心扉。

9.However, if this Law does not deem it a crime or imposes a pghter punishment, this Law shall apply.但是,如果本法不认为是犯罪或者处刑较轻的,适用本法。

10.We recommend that you add security and error-handpng code to your projects to make them as secure and robust as you deem appropriate.我们建议您在项目中添加安全性代码和错误处理代码,以使项目达到您预期的安全性和可靠性标准。