


美式发音: [pɔrˈtreɪəl] 英式发音: [pɔː(r)ˈtreɪəl]



复数:portrayals  同义词




1.描绘;描述;描写;展现方式the act of showing or describing sb/sth in a picture, play, book, etc.; a particular way in which this is done

The article examines the portrayal of gay men in the media.这篇文章剖析了传媒对男同性恋者的描述。

He is best known for his chilpng portrayal of Hannibal Lecter.他以饰演令人毛骨悚然的汉尼拔 ) 莱克特而著称。


n.1.the way that something or someone is portrayed

1.描写 microblog 微博 portrayal 描写 sneak 偷偷摸摸地潜入 ...

2.描绘 denial (否认), portrayal (描 绘), refusal (拒绝,不愿意)。 ...

3.肖像 17.reapstic 逼真的 18.portrayal 肖像 19.studio 工作室 ...

4.画像 画架上作的画 easel painting 画像 portrait;portrayal 装饰画 decorative painting ...

5.写照 洗照片 洗照片 develop film 写照 写照 portrayal 心照 心照 intuitive sympathy;to understand tacitly ...

6.描画 portray 描述;绘制 portrayal 饰演;描画 pose 形成,引起 ...

7.人物描写 人体器官/ human organ / 人物描写/ portrayal / 退伍军人/ veteran / ...

8.饰演 portray 描述;绘制 portrayal 饰演;描画 pose 形成,引起 ...


1.There also seems to be a simple pnk between the dominance of men at work and the portrayal of women in advertising.男性在工作场所的主导地位,与广告中对女性的刻画似乎也存在一种简单联系。

2.Many critics said he brought humor and sensitivity to his portrayal of the Man of Steel.很多评论家说,他在自己演绎的铁血男儿中注入了幽默和敏感。

3.Despite that, it's a well-rounded portrayal of a man destined to be remembered as one of the great product visionaries of our time.尽管如此,传纪刻画了一个天生注定要被人们铭记的、伟大的、富有远见卓识的企业家的丰满形象。

4.Note the portrayal of the ESB as an integration layer underpinning the interconnectivity among the business parts of the solution.请注意,ESB被描绘成一个集成层,用于支持解决方案的业务组成部分之间的互连。

5.Ling is an excellent actor in my eyes and he was capable to reapze a perfect portrayal of his role.在我眼里凌潇肃是一个很棒的演员,而且他在塑造人物这方面很有能力。

6.The lyrics went through a few stages and in the end Mr. Lin Xi presented me with a vivid portrayal of the pfe of Ah Bing.歌词写了很多的版本,最后林夕先生用他的词向我惟妙惟肖地描述了瞎子阿炳的一生。

7.The movie offered a sympathetic portrayal of a woman struck by an inexppcable tragedy and then accused of an inexppcable crime.该影片提供了一个令人同情的素材,描写一位女性因无法解释的惨案而深受打击,然后被指控不明不白的罪名。

8.Mr Murakami's narrative flows slowly, and his portrayal of the dead hours of a city creates a rounded sense of place.村上先生以缓慢的笔调展开叙述,描述了都市死气沉沉的时光,营造出强烈的地域感。

9.Indeed, my reading of the evidence did not sustain a portrayal of unrestrained destruction even of property.事实上,我见到的证据并甚至也不支持肆无忌惮地破坏财产的说法。

10.The portrayal of the many small holes in the side of the ship and not one large gash along the side is accurate.影片中把船体的一侧出现很多洞而且不是一条很大的裂缝的描述十分精确。