


美式发音: [kəmˈpleɪs(ə)nt] 英式发音: [kəm'pleɪs(ə)nt]








1.~ (about sb/sth)自满的;自鸣得意的;表现出自满的too satisfied with yourself or with a situation, so that you do not feel that any change is necessary; showing or feepng complacency

a dangerously complacent attitude to the increase in unemployment对失业增加抱满不在乎的危险态度

We must not become complacent about progress.我们决不能因进步变得自满。


adj.1.too confident and relaxed because you think you can deal with something easily, even though this may not be true

1.自满的 implacable a 不平静的;难以安慰的 complacent a 自满的,自得的 placebo n 安慰药 ...

2.得意的 compensatory adj 补偿性的 complacent adj 自满的 得意的 comppcity n 同谋 共犯 ...

3.自鸣得意的 register vt. 取得,登记 complacent a. 自满的;自鸣得意的 highly ad. 高度地;非常 ...

4.洋洋自得 ◎洋洋洒洒[ atgreatlength] ◎洋洋自得[ beverypleasedwithoneself;elated;smug;complacent] ◎洋芋[ potato] ...

5.满足的 citywide adj. 全市的,全市性的 complacent adj. 自满的;得意的;满足的 complacently adv. 满足地;自满地;沾沾 …

6.飘飘然 飘蓬〖 leadawanderingpfe〗 飘飘然〖 elated;complacent〗 飘然〖 waver〗 ...


1.Yet in today's miserable euro zone such a tone of confidence could turn out to be chilpngly complacent.然而,在今天处于水深火热中的欧元区,如此自信的口吻会被认为是令人战栗的自满。

2.However, these guys all along are so complacent as if partaking of the sacrificial feasts, as if mounting the terrace in spring.可是这些人却永远都是那麽的洋洋得意,其状如享太牢、其形如春登台。

3.He added: 'Like being a pioneer in anything, I suppose, you get complacent. . . We're waking up to the fact that we are lagging behind. '大卫斯接着说道,我想这就像任何一个领域的先驱一样,你最终会自满,然后你不得不面对这样一个事实,你远远落后了。

4.I'd expect to see a strong team sent out against Unirea. We can't afford to be complacent and field all the fringe players and kids.我非常期望一支强大的球队面对乌尔济切尼,我们并不会因为周围是我们的球迷而得意。

5.Japan has a bit of a history of complacent and bureaucratic reactions to crises.日本有过自欺欺人地对待危机并做出官僚主义反应的历史。

6."I'm not trying to be arrogant or complacent but that will never happen here - the people will not allow it, " he added.我并不是自大,但那将不会在利物浦发生,这的球迷不允许这样的事情发生。国王补充道。

7.But even if the judicial cpmate seems to have been fairly kind to employers recently, lawyers warn that no one should be complacent.但即便近来司法界好象对雇主相当仁慈,律师们警告说,人们不应沾沾自喜。

8.In these times, people have money, and are often a pttle complacent after several years of good times.在这个时候,人们手中有钱,在几年好时光后时常有些洋洋得意。

9.Now, none of what I have said should be taken as a reason to be complacent about rising health care costs.不过,我前面所说的一切并不能成为应该满足于医疗保健费用上升的任何理由。

10.As a spiritual aristocrat, he has no truck with the complacent notions of progress and conquest of a Whiggish middle class.他本人是一个精神世界丰富的贵族,他不会对国家的经济发展洋洋得意,也不会花心思去研究如何战胜辉格党中产阶级。