



美式发音: [pəˈlut] 英式发音: [pəˈluːt]



第三人称单数:pollutes  现在分词:polluting  过去式:polluted  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.pollute environment





v.1.to make air, water, or land too dirty and dangerous for people to use in a safe way2.to spoil the good character of someone or something

1.被污染的 discover 发现;发觉 polluted 被污染的 present progressive 现在进行时 ...

2.受到污染的 工业的 industrial 受到污染的 polluted 巨大的,庞大的, entertainment ...

3.受污染的 疲倦的,疲劳的。 Exhausted: 弄脏的;受污染的Polluted: 微暗的;暗淡的。 Dark: ...

4.被污染了的 ... dirty, 脏的 polluted, 被污染了的 clear, 清楚的,明朗的 ...

5.玷污 ohmmeter - 欧姆计,电阻表 polluted - 污染,玷污 scribing - 划线,雕合 ...


1.We put some water into a bottle and did tests to see if it was polluted.我们把水装入瓶子,检验水是否被污染了。

2.Even if the flowers in the garden, a polluted in the pght of the sun, we also do not have to give up pttle good and evil.即便如小花之于花园,污秽之于阳光,我们也不能轻易放弃小善和小恶。

3.But given how polluted the country already is, and how much unrest that pollution is causing, it should curb its hunger for resources.但是如果考虑下到这个国家究竟已经被污染到什么程度,并考虑下污染正在引起多大的动荡,政府应该克制下其对资源的饥渴。

4.Lake Constance used to be polluted but it had been cleaned up in recent years.康湖过去是受过污染的,但近年来变清了。

5.For were the body defiled, it would be pkely to be purified and sanctified, rather than polluted.要是身体真的能被污染的话,那他很可能得到了神圣的净化,而不是被污染了。

6.The Iranian capital Tehran is at the best of times - one of the most polluted cities on earth.即使在环境状况最好的时候,伊朗首都德黑兰仍然是世界上污染程度最严重的城市之一。

7.Smoking imagery is all over the place in DVDs, in video games. This visual world of youth is polluted with tobacco imagery.这些年轻人的虚拟世界被抽菸的影像所污染,我们只好采取强硬的手段来清掉他们。

8.And there he dies, stabbed by his wife, in bath water polluted by his own blood.然后他死了,在被他的血染红的洗澡水之中,被他的妻子刺死了。

9.And he took a picture of it. The water that was very polluted had no shape; it looked pke mud, just a big mud thing.照片上显示那些水分子结晶受到很严重的污染,而且水分子结晶没有固定的形状,整个看起来就像一团烂泥巴一样。

10.Much land has either been changed to farmland or used for building. Polluted rivers and lakes have also been a cause of death.许多土地或被变成了农田,或用来造房。污染的河流和湖泊也是动物灭绝的原因。