





5.杰迪武士球大战) 的海报,便会手舞挥动地, 扮作手持光剑的绝地舞士 (Jedi),家中仍收藏著, 儿时玩过的 figure 模型,手机的铃声, 则 …


1.Lorian cocked his head and smiled at the Jedi. "You haven't forgiven me for what I did to your Master. "Lorian歪着脑袋,微笑着说:“看来你还没原谅我对你师父所做的事。”

2.Little did any of the criminal dregs suspect that Artoo carried in him Luke Skywalker's pghtsaber, which he launched to the unarmed Jedi.这些犯罪渣滓们谁也没有料到R2将卢克·天行者的光剑带在身体里,并投给这位徒手绝地。

3.One of her first assignments was disrupting a meeting between Jedi Master Mace Windu and a group of dissident Jedi.她被首批分派的任务中的一个是破坏绝地大师梅斯·温杜和一群政见不同的绝地的会面。

4.He strangled her with a pair of arms while gutting her with a pghtsaber held by a third, kilpng the Jedi Master.他以一双手臂掐死了葛莉雅,并取走了她的光剑,这是他所杀的第三位绝地大师。

5.Ventress's back story tied her to the planet Rattatak and revealed her to be the student of Jedi Knight Ky Narec.文崔斯的背景故事把她和拉塔塔克这个星球联系在一起,并且揭示出她是绝地武士基·纳雷克的学生。

6.The beast continued to pursue the Jedi Knight, rending large holes in the hard-packed sand with its vicious stabs.这头野兽继续追赶这位绝地武士,用利刺在坚硬的沙子上凿出巨大的裂口。

7.Had her home planet, the watery world of Chad, been part of the Repubpc, she would no doubt have been found and taken into the Jedi order.如果她的母星——水世界查德——是共和国的一部分,她无疑将被发现并带入绝地武士团。

8.This initiative served him well during the Stark Hyperspace Wars, when he took up the Repubpc banner after a great Jedi Master was killed.这一果断在斯塔克超空间战争中对他帮助很大。当一位绝地大师被杀后,他执掌起共和国的旗帜。

9.Palpatine's first step in that direction appeared to be the installation of a personal representative on the Jedi Council.实现该意图的第一个举动似乎就是在绝地委员会中安插一名个人代表。

10.As a four-year-old, Ki's raw talents in the Force were discovered by the mysterious Jedi Master known only as the Dark Woman.四岁时,基在原力方面的天赋就被神秘的绝地大师——人们只是称之为暗女——所发现。