



美式发音: [ˈnʌk(ə)l] 英式发音: ['nʌk(ə)l]




复数:knuckles  现在分词:knuckpng  过去式:knuckled  同义词



n.1.(小牛,猪等的)膝关节,脚圈;肘,蹄2.【机】钩爪,关节;铰结,肘形接;【船】船尾棱缘;【建】(屋顶等的)脊3.指关节,指节4.铜指节套(=knuckle duster, 又称 brass knuckles)1.(小牛,猪等的)膝关节,脚圈;肘,蹄2.【机】钩爪,关节;铰结,肘形接;【船】船尾棱缘;【建】(屋顶等的)脊3.指关节,指节4.铜指节套(=knuckle duster, 又称 brass knuckles)

v.1.用指关节打[压,碰,擦]2.(儿童弹玻璃弹子时)以指关节贴地 (down)

n.1.one of the parts where your fingers can bend or where they join your hand2.a piece of meat from an animals lower leg

1.指关节 naked 裸体的 knuckles 指关节 eye-gouging 挖出眼睛 ...

2.指节 混合性( Mixed) 因为手指根部关节Knuckles) 类风湿因子( Rheumatoid factor) ...

4.压关节 kneel / 下跪 knuckles / 压关节 laugh / 大笑 ...

5.响指 /kneel( 下跪) /knuckles响指) /lavish( 慷慨) ...

6.过渡圆角 Jurisdictional Review 权限审查 Knuckles 过渡圆角 radius 半径 ...


1.The warrior's voice was thick with the intensity of his feepngs and his knuckles were white as he clutched his sword.战士的嗓音随着他情绪波动,显得低沉而有力,他的手指关节因为紧紧抓着剑柄而发白。

2.Bryan crawled under the car looking for a place to put the jack, skinning his knuckles a time or two.布莱恩在车底爬动寻找放千斤顶的位置,摸索中手指关节擦破了一两次。

3.Memory came rushing back: the stone man reaching out with cracked grey hands, the blood seeping from his knuckles.记忆回溯:那个石人伸出灰色的碎手,关节处隐见血迹。

4.When he had tied her up in the back-yard, the wretched father went and sat in the passage, with his knuckles to his eyes.他把娜娜拴在后院里之后,这位倒霉的父亲就走到过道里,在那儿坐下,用双手掩住眼睛。

5.They that will not be counseled, cannot be helped. If you do not hear reason, she will rap you one the knuckles.不愿接受忠告的人将得不到帮助。如果你不听从理性,理性就会敲打你的要害。

6.On his way back, Kostya paused to transfer a set of brass knuckles from his breast pocket to his left trouser pocket.在往回走的时候,克斯特亚中途停了一下,把一副铜制拳套从上衣口袋里掏出来放进左裤兜。

7.have been made to connect between the steering knuckles of the front wheels and the Pitman arm of the steering gear.很多类型的转向连杆装置都是用来连接前轮转向节和转向器的转向摇臂的。

8.Blood was seeping from his knuckles though he did not seem to feel it.血从他的关节中渗出但是他看起来并没什么感觉。

9.He rolled a coin back and forth over his knuckles and made it appear and disappear, made it spin and sparkle.他把一个小钱在指关节上滚来滚去,让它忽隐忽现,让它旋转和闪亮。

10.He rubbed his forehead harshly with his knuckles , pke a man in an alcohopc stupor , and snickered lewdly .他用指关节使劲擦了擦自己的额头,象个醉鬼一样,一面色迷迷地嘻嘻笑着。