


adv. 顺从地, 应允地


顺从地; 应允地




accordingly   compliantlycompliantlyadv.
1.翻译:顺从地,应允地 见:compliant: compliantly


1. AWWA C540 compliant build available.

AWWA C540兼容建立可用。

2. BSI can periodically assess the system and, if it is compliant, register the company to ISO 14001.

BSI可以定期评审环境管理体系,如果评审合格,则可给予该公司ISO 14001注册。

3. This discussion of CLS compliance ends with how CLS-compliant classes implement compliant or noncompliant interfaces.


4. The JAX-RPC specification requires a compliant engine to offer ways of bypassing the regular XML-to-Java type mapping and use alternative mechanisms instead.


5. NET compliant) can interoperate with one another.This also can take full advantage of inheritance, polymorphism, exceptions, and other features.


6. UDDI requires the presence of this HTTP Header field to be SOAP 1.1 compliant.

UDDI要求这个出现的HTTP头字段应当是兼容SOAP 1.1的。

7. A compliant person gives in easily to other people's views.


8. One of the key components of an intellectual property compliant domain name registration system is a robust policy concerning registrant contact details.


9. A vast security network and compliant multinationals keep the mainland's Net under Beijing's thumb. But technology may foil the censors yet.


10. The companies insisted that if no compliant boxes were available by the end of 2006, when broadcasters were to pull the plug on analog TV, a crisis would ensue.


11. Usually people don't respect those who are too compliant.


12. Usually people don' t respect those who are too compliant.


13. No matter how they react, we should compliantly accept their admonition, and not argue with them or make them angry or upset.


14. Whatever course it takes, Moscow is far from achieving its goal of turning Afghanistan into another compliant satellite state.


15. Instead of marking the entire assembly as noncompliant, you should determine which type or type members are not compliant, and mark these elements as such.


16. By then, Henry seemed less compliant with his wife's wishes than he had six months before.


17. "I'm happy because compliant and not hurt left ankle," he said after his first match after two months.


18. Commercial phone model compliant with China Mobile's Java 3.0 Specification.

中国移动Java 3.0规范的商务手机。

19. To be compliant with the Common Language Specification (CLS), the argument list of an attribute class cannot contain an array.


20. To ensure that your application remains level 0 compliant, do not remove any of the wizard-generated interfaces from the code.


21. The BIOS in this system is not fully ACPI compliant.

主机有问题 为防止您的主机受损已关闭一个窗口。

22. Also some faces show appear to be reluctant, still received the past partly compliantly finally, occasion is very awkward.


23. Healing of the intestinal damage in CD patients compliant with a GFD might normalize intestinal permeability and thus decrease exposure to triggers of autoimmunity.


24. This paper proposes a design of a class of micro positioning devices that compose of the bistable compliant micro-mechanism.

介绍了利用微机对表面粗糙度测量仪的改进设计 ,重点说明了系统的原理及软、硬件设计。

25. The operation principle and construction design of an all fiberoptic accelerometer based on compliant cylinders are described.


26. A directory that receives RFC-822 compliant files from the file system for the purpose of creating message objects that can be passed to the Submission queue.


27. They enjoyed each other's company, exercised together, and by all appearances seemed to be completely happy and compliant Russian commanders.


28. Based on the pseudo-rigid-body model,the paper used the virtual work principle and studied the whole rigidity of compliant translational joints.


29. Compliant to any mode of audio and pulse telephone.


30. Any cabling problems or environmental noise could render an otherwise compliant cable inoperable even at distances that are within the specification.


31. For industry executives, however, Citigroup has raised troubling questions about whether private banks in Japan can be big, profitable and compliant.


32. But the Council says it's fully compliant with all tax requirements and says it operates in Russia on the basis of an agreement signed in the 1990s.


33. If, as a component designer, you do not have an assembly marked as CLS compliant, you make it harder for users of your component to create CLS-compliant assemblies.


34. Are the panels you sell compliant with European standards AND CSTB standards?


35. All interfaces that you implement publicly must be CLS compliant.


36. You can continue to use O-Sync for free with virtually any SyncML compliant mobile even if you have no need for any such additional features!


37. Developers using these languages might not be able to extend CLS-compliant libraries by creating new types, but they can use any type defined by a compliant library.


38. And it is compliant with RFC 1122, provides IP, ARP, UDP, TCP protocal services and Berkeley socket interface.

依据RFC 1122兼容性规定,提供IP、ARP、TCP、UDP服务和Berkeley Socket编程接口。

39. The near Y2K compliance of a system is meaningless if the failure of even a single non-Y2K compliant component causes your mission critical system to stop functioning.

假如您的系统只是接近Y2K兼容,百密一疏,只要有一个非Y2K兼容的组件出现错误,而导致您的mission critical关键任务系统失灵,那就功亏一篑了。

40. Other side, Please help confirm that RoHS compliant or not ?

其他的事宜, 请帮助证实那个卢泰愚适用于什么?

41. In the course of implementing AVS compliant technology by content providers or service providers for supplying content to consumers, patent royalty may not be charged.


42. For years I had tried to be a compliant and dutiful wife.


43. Creating a compliant reader or writer guarantees that the XML data being processed complies with the specified conformance level.


44. Thus assured of Charlemagne's fidelity to the Church, Leo III hoped to create a compliant emperor to replace the recalcitrant in Constantinople.


45. Handle OOS procedures to ensure in a fast and compliant way to safeguard an excellent documentation standard and a perfect reporting system to local and BBM auditors.


46. Assignee compliant, the bank loan contract signed with the assignee.


47. The varistor from Leader Well Technology Co,LTD(SFI) have all size from 0201 to 3220 siize and all products meet ROHS compliant.


48. The authors also describe how to publish a service domain to a public registry such as a UDDI registry or an Open Grid Services Architecture OGSA compliant registry.


49. The only demand is that the operating system should be POSIX compliant.


50. But the wisdom from above is first pure, then peaceable, forbearing, compliant, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial, without hypocrisy.


51. Hey, they don't pull you out of the room until you express really sincere interest in being a good, compliant little kid.


52. So it can also be said by me (unofficially) to be Y2K compliant.


53. The ROHS compliant were fed 12.5 grams of fructose per kg (2.2 pounds) of weight every day for a year.


54. Bus support functions supplied by the host system,typically in a PCI compliant bridge or standard chipset.


55. When More Accessible Mode is enabled, such fields are replaced with standard plain text fields that are compliant with accessibility tools.


56. With the connivance of the supreme leader, they simply used their executive power and a compliant judiciary to override the wishes of the legislature and the voters.


57. Taking the cue from the woman, the German soldiers, with their guns pointing downward, filed in, and then compliantly they placed their guns against a corner of the walls.


58. In cases where these clustered systems are running heterogeneous operatingsystems, an I2O compliant I/O interface can be shared.


59. In cases where these clustered systems are running heterogeneous operating systems, an I2O compliant I/ O interface can be shared.


60. Features : EPG(Electronic Program Guide) Full compliant of MPEG-2 digital&DVB broadcasting Variable input sym...

型号: the box . 品牌: the box . 原产地: 中国 . 产品描述: the box FTA+PATCH  

61. Such as : ICI;EnviroServe group recently launched "Home Lai" series interior paint is compliant environmental products.


62. If you do not want the assembly to be compliant, apply the attribute and set its value to false.


63. Do not set the Target property if the rendered output for the HtmlAnchor must be compliant with XHTML 1.1.

如果为HtmlAnchor呈现的输出必须符合XHTML 1.1,则不要设置Target属性。

64. If you implement a non-CLS compliant interface, you must hide it from your public interface using explicit interface implementation.


65. If you have an XSLT compliant browser it will nicely transform your XML into XHTML.


66. As a good web design practice, make sure your HTML coding is compliant to some well recognized HTML standards such as W3C standard.


67. You cannot build a CLS-compliant assembly if you have types in your public or protected interface that are not CLS compliant.


68. If you re creating a RAID-0 volume using IDE disks, you should try to use UltraDMA compliant disks and controllers for maximum reliability.


69. If your system is not already compliant, you may be able to obtain a new system BIOS from your motherboard vendor or from a system vendor.


70. The SMBus is compliant with the System Management Bus Specification, version 2, and compatible with the I2C serial bus.


71. If your company does not have established processes in place, you may need assistance to manage your international shipments in an efficient and compliant manner.


72. It's compatible with all modern vocal engines SAPI 5 compliant.

它的兼容所有的现代声乐引擎的SAPI 5兼容。

73. Experimental results show that the robot manipulator can grasp objects safely and compliantly.


74. To the developer of ONet applications, client library provides the ODMG 3.0 compliant API layer.

对于应用程序开发者,客户端运行时还提供了符合ODMG 3.0标准接口的应用程序接口层。

75. For the compliant child parental disapproval is as strong an inhibiting force as the threat of punishment.


76. Little girls epitomise a patriarchal society's ideal of compliant, docile sexuality.


77. If you create an assembly, you can indicate that all or part of your code is CLS compliant with the.


78. None of the Working Group, its Members or any other implementer shall have any obligation to use such software under this IPR Policy or in order to create a Compliant Portion.


79. Work with suppliers on SOA compliant systems to the sector, and develop open systems and interfaces.


80. The ECIC's information technology system was thoroughly tested and confirmed to be Year 2000 compliant.
