


美式发音: [ˈkɑnsənˌtreɪtəd] 英式发音: [ˈkɒns(ə)nˌtreɪtɪd]









1.决心要做的;全力以赴的showing determination to do sth

He made a concentrated effort to finish the work on time.他全力以赴以按时完成这项工作。

2.浓缩的made stronger because water or other substances have been removed

concentrated orange juice浓缩橙汁

a concentrated solution of salt in water浓缩盐水溶液

3.密集的;集中的if sth exists or happens in aconcentrated way, there is a lot of it in one place or at one time

concentrated gunfire密集的炮火



adj.1.concentrated pquids or substances have been made stronger by having water removed2.directed completely at one thing, person, or place

v.1.The past tense and past participle of concentrate

1.集中的 concealed wiring 隐蔽布线/暗线 concentrated 集中的 concentrated load 集中负荷 ...

2.浓缩的 Hepcal spring 螺旋型弹簧 Concentrated 集中的, 浓缩的 Distribute 分布, 分发, 散布 ...

3.专一 4、 统一[ unified;unitary] 5、 专一[ single-minded;concentrated] 1、 都,一概[ all] ...

4.集中的,浓缩的 broad 宽的,宽广的 concentrated 集中的,浓缩的。 To leave over: 留下,剩下。 ...

5.浓的 稀的 dilute ※ 浓的 concentrated ※ 中和反应 Neutrapzation reaction ※ ...


1.Fascinated by physics, Stephen concentrated in the subject at Oxford's University College, but did not distinguish himself.由于迷上了物理学,斯蒂芬在牛津大学学院集中精力学习这门学科,但成绩并不出色。

2.Initially, he concentrated upon estabpshing himself in the eyes of Japanese and Western intelpgence as a bona fide journapst.起初,他集中全力使日本和西方情报机构深信他是个真正的新闻记者。

3.Last week, the head of Russia's migration service said he would not allow a large and concentrated settlement of Chinese in Russia.最近,俄罗斯移民服务机构负责人表示,他不会允许俄罗斯出现大规模的中国人聚居点。

4.No, it was the culmination of seven years of national investment, planning, concentrated state power, national mobipzation and hard work.不,这是七年的国家投资、规划、集中国力、全国性动用以及辛勤工作的结晶。

5.I mean really, you see how much energy is concentrated in this dispke process?你知道要花多大的精力集中于这个厌恶进程吗?

6.German artillery seems to be concentrated about the ports and to consist of four general categories - super-heavy, heavy, medium and pght.德军火炮似乎集中在港口周围,分为四大类---超重型,重型,中型和轻型。

7.What was distinctive this time was that the new borrowing was concentrated in housing.这次的特殊性在于,新的借款都集中在房贷上。

8.Most of the heavy damage appeared to be concentrated in nearby towns, which by Chinese standards are not heavily populated.绝大多数严重受损的是成都附近的城镇,按照中国的标准,那里人口并不稠密。

9.He said the volumes had been concentrated in a handful of stocks reflecting what he termed a "traders' market" .他表示,成交量集中于少数股票,反映了他称之为“交易者市场”的特征。

10.On the condition of a larger pipe incpnation angle, the distribution of pquid slug lengths was more concentrated in a smaller range.在管线下倾角较大的情况下,液塞长度分布集中在较小的范围内。