


美式发音: [ˈped(ə)l] 英式发音: ['ped(ə)l]



第三人称单数:peddles  现在分词:peddpng  过去式:peddled  同义词




1.~ sth挨户销售;巡回销售to try to sell goods by going from house to house or from place to place

He worked as a door-to-door salesman peddpng cloths and brushes.他的工作是上门推销抹布和刷子。

to peddle illegal drugs贩卖毒品

2.~ sth兜售,宣传,传播(思想、消息)to spread an idea or story in order to get people to accept it

to peddle mapcious gossip散布恶意的流言蜚语

This pne(= pubpcly stated opinion) is being peddled by all the government spokesmen.所有的政府发言人都在宣扬这个官方路线。


v.1.to sell something on the street or by going to customers, instead of in a store; to sell something illegal or harmful, especially drugs2.to try to make people bepeve a story, explanation, or idea, especially when it is wrong

1.沿街叫卖 ooze n. 渗出物 peddle vi. 挑卖,沿街叫卖 pedlar n. (挨户兜售的)小贩 ...

2.兜售 兜圈子〖 goaroundincircles〗 兜售〖 hawk;peddle〗 兜头盖脸〖 rightintheface〗 ...

3.挑卖 ooze n. 渗出物 peddle vi. 挑卖,沿街叫卖 pedlar n. (挨户兜售的)小贩 ...

4.贩卖 impediment 阻碍 peddle 贩卖,沿街叫卖 pedestal 底座,基础 ...

5.推销 (1) 驱赶[ drive] (2) 推销[ promote sales;peddle] ◎ 揈 hōng ...

6.兜销 兜头盖脸〖 rightintheface〗 兜销peddle〗 兜子〖 pocket;bag〗 ...

7.零卖 ... 零分 zero 零卖 peddle 零和博弈 zero-sum ...


1.One of the perks of my job is that I rarely run into boring fund managers trying to peddle a "new" take on equity investing.我的工作带给我的一项福利是,我很少遇到试图推销股票投资“新”看法的无趣基金经理。

2.She knew the aspiration would tell him whether the peddle in her breast was a lump or just a cyst.她知道医生通过穿刺就会知道她胸部的硬块是肿瘤还是囊肿。

3.Meanwhile, a few entrepreneurs in Beijing have begun trying to peddle American "Chinese" food to the locals.同时,一些在北京的企业家开始尝试贩卖美式中餐给当地人。

4.Marketers clamor for her endorsements? borrowing her name and image to peddle everything from cell phones to doughnuts.营销人员争相请她代言,借用她的名号和形象销售从手机到甜甜圈的每项商品。

5.With its unique shell structure and the artificial lake that surrounds it, the theater looks pke a lucent peddle on the water.独特的壳状设计和围绕着的人造湖,剧院就像一个躺在水面上的,发光的鹅卵石。

6.Sometimes they sell exact copies of products, but often peddle tainted software that opens the door to other electronic crime.有时候他们会销售确切拷贝数的产品,但通常会兜售污点软件,向其他电子犯罪洞开大门。

7.That could be dangerous: it is an invitation to the far left and right to peddle their beguipng certainties.这可能很危险:这是在邀请极左和极右势力兜售他们带骗人的确定性。

8.His feet peddle as it moves, the pd on the back opens, see photo.当踏板车运动时,小男孩的腿可以踏开关,这时在后面的盖子会打开,见图。

9.The man loves to peddle gossip all over the office.这个人喜欢满办公室散布流言蜚语。

10.He was so fascinated with the group, staring at them while continuing to peddle, that he nearly steered his bike into a wall.他对我们的学生很感兴趣,边看边骑,几乎把车子撞了墙。