



美式发音: [fjum] 英式发音: [fjuːm]




第三人称单数:fumes  现在分词:fuming  过去式:fumed  同义词

v.seethe,rage,bristle,be angry,simmer





v.1.to feel or show a lot of anger2.to send out smoke or gas

1.烟化 ... fuming sulfuric acid 发烟硫酸 fuming 冒烟;烟化 function calculator 函数计算器 ...

2.冒烟 ... fuming sulfuric acid 发烟硫酸 fuming 冒烟;烟化 function calculator 函数计算器 ...

3.熏烟 fumigation 熏烟 fuming 熏烟 function button 功能按钮 ...

4.发怒 money( 金钱) fuming( 发怒) at penalty( 点球) ...

5.发烟 (65℃,boil 沸腾) (fuming 发烟) (melton 熔化) ...

6.冒烟的 Pontiac 庞帝克,美国产轿车 fuming 冒烟的 repository n. 容器, 仓库, 贮藏室, 智囊 ...

7.发烟的 fumigator 烟熏器;熏蒸消毒器 fuming 发烟的;熏蒸的 fuming cupboard …


1.He released his hand and sat down in the chair, fuming.他一把放手,气鼓鼓坐在那张椅子里。

2.Silently fuming, I stared at my cluttered desk.我暗自恼怒,呆呆地看着凌乱的办公桌。

3.So at least they'd spend less time fuming in jams about the injustice of it all.所以司机们至少可以减少堵车时由于种种不公而急得冒烟的时候。

4.To make pyroxyle, the cotton must be immersed in the fuming azotic acid for a quarter of an hour, then washed in cold water and dried.制造棉花火药只要把棉花在发烟硝酸里浸一刻钟,然后在冷水里洗净晾干。

5.Lampard was soon booked for dissent, with Terry following, Chelsea fuming at what they perceived as a Torres dive looking for a free-kick.不久之后兰帕德也因抗议而被出示黄牌,接着又是特里,切尔西愤怒地认为托雷斯通过假摔骗得了一个任意球。

6.and concentrated sulfuric acid or fuming sulfuric acid are not adopted as the sulfonating reagent, so equipment can be corroded less.不采用浓硫酸或发烟硫酸作磺化试剂,对设备腐蚀性很小。

7.By the end of it, the cat was bug eyed and crazed, I was dripping blood and fuming. I still have scars to show for this night.当时他的眼睛鼓出来闪耀着动物的惊恐与狂野,我的手血流个不停,现在仍然有伤疤的痕迹。

8.Of course, logically I know you're right, but somehow I just can't bring myself to forget it. Even the mention of his name starts me fuming.当然,按理说你是对的,可是我就是过不去。就连提他的名字都让我火大。

9.aluminium, and alkaps. Ignites spontaneously in the presence of red fuming nitric acid, and with sodium.异氰酸酯;强酸和强氧化剂;含铁、锌、铝和碱金属的溶液。在存在红色发烟硝酸和钠时自燃。

10.she must be fuming with anger at such a bid, wasn't she?你给这个低的价儿,她一定气的冒烟吧?。