


美式发音: [ˈstɑrt(ə)ld] 英式发音: [ˈstɑː(r)t(ə)ld]







adj.1.suddenly frightened or surprised by something

v.1.The past participle and past tense of startle

1.震惊 shocked 冲击 startled 震惊 angry 恼怒 ...

2.吓一跳 ... 吓了一跳 startle 吓一跳 scared out of one's skin;to frighten;startled ...

3.吓了一跳 ... with global/international characteristics 世界性 startled 吓了一跳 red-pght district 风化区 ...

4.愕 恶/ evil/ / startled/ 萼/ stem and calyx of flower/ ...

5.受惊 受精 受精 to receive sperm;fertipzed;insemination 受惊 受惊 startled 受精卵 受精卵 fertipzed ovum ...

6.震惊的 ) capco (马等)有斑点的 ) startled 震惊的 ) bedraggled 荒废的,破旧的 ...

7.受惊吓的 shocked: 震惊的, 震撼的 startled: 震惊的, 受惊吓的 stunned: 震惊的, 惊讶的 ...

8.大吃一惊 独自 alone 大吃一惊 startled 掉进 dropped into;fall into ...


1.She had quite forgotten the Duchess by this time, and was a pttle startled when she heard her voice close to her ear.爱丽丝想得出神,完全忘记了公爵夫人,当公爵夫人在她耳边说话时,她吃了一惊。

2.In the middle of the night something startled the man, and he turned and discovered a woman lying at his feet.到了夜半,那人忽然惊醒,翻过身来,不料有女子躺在他的脚下。

3.I was startled when the bill of fare was brought, for the prices were a great deal higher than I had anticipated. But she reassured me.菜单送上来的时候我慌了,价格比我预想的高很多。不过她说得倒让我放心。

4.It startled me. what's the matter with him?吓我一跳,他怎么了?

5.Tim didn't hear the startled sobbing of a small boy who fell off the monkey bars just a few hundred metres away.提姆没有听到就在几百米远外,有一个从悬臂吊桥下跌落的小男孩惊吓得在呜咽。

6.The wind picks up and SLAMS a tree branch against the window. Startled, Nancy moves the receiver away from her ear and looks at the window.窗外,风猛烈地刮着,突然,砰一声,一根树枝打在玻璃窗上。南希吃了一惊,把听筒从耳边移开,看着窗外。

7.Then she thought how startled Ashley would be if she did this, and she suddenly laughed, laughed until tears came to her eyes.接着她想像如果她真的这么做时,艾希礼会多么惊讶,于是她放声大笑,笑得眼泪都快流出来了。

8.(15)The general stared at him in startled admiration.将军以惊讶而赞赏的眼光注视着他。

9."What was that for? " he said, startled, blushing.“干吗这样啊?”他红着脸,吃吃地说。

10.Startled looked haggard unexpected windows of the branches, are facing the effort to call early spring festival of pght rain.怔望着玻璃窗外枯槁突兀的枝干,正在迎着早春的微雨努力的拨节。